Elsa Makes a Joke

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"I'd like to get to know you more, and have you know me more." He says, looking at me. I nod, showing not very much of a reaction on the outside; but on the inside, I'm a mixture of all sorts of emotions. I'm curious as to why he chose this, but that's not the only reason why I am. I'm curious about what will happen next. And if things work out, will I be able to stay here? These people are beyond normal; and I haven't seen a single adult, yet. What is this place? What's up with all the ancient Roman stuff? Is any of this connected to why I didn't stay dead? And what would Jason think of me if he found out the things I've done, who I am? It could be hard to act like a normal person.

"What is this camp anyway? It's obviously not a normal one." I question them. "What this isn't normal?" Reyna says with a smirk. Woah, did the ice queen just make a joke? Jason chuckles a little. Looks like she did. . . "Obviously not." I state, with an amused expression. "Well, you better get ready for a long story. . ." She sighs, with a nostalgic look in her eyes. "Long doesn't mean boring." I say to her, thinking of all the stories I know that are just that. She pauses, then nods. After a long explanation of the camp(For some reason, she doesn't mention the other.), and many stories, she finishes telling me about it. For a minute, I just sit there, processing it all. "Wow. . ." I say, still in somewhat of a trance. "So, what about you?" Jason implores.

I stop for a moment, with a thinking face. On the outside, I look as though I'm trying to remember something, but on the inside, I'm panicking a bit. I didn't think about what to tell him, or if there even was anything I could tell him. "Lets see. . . Not much to tell. I live in an apartment by myself. . . I work with computers, and do odd jobs." I say, deciding it's as close as the truth as I can get. "Wait, you don't live with your dad? How old are you?" He asks me, looking surprised. I don't remember my actual age, so I need to think of something quick. "Uh, sixteen. . ." I say. "So, same as me, huh?" He says. "That's still pretty young to be living by yourself." He frowns a little. I shrug and change the subject. "What do you do most of the time?" I ask. "School, quests, normal things." He says nonchalantly. "Yeah, normal quests in a normal roman camp. . ." I snicker. He laughs a little, and Reyna smiles.

He looks at Reyna. "Should we give him a tour?" He asks her. She hesitates, then nods her okay. They take me around the camp, and I get curious looks from a lot of people. Around an hour later, we get back to the entrance, and I get ready to leave. "Here's my email, if you want to talk. I might not respond very fast; we're not supposed to use electronic devices, because they attract monsters." He explains. "Yeah, try not to run into any monsters." I nod. Well, he's standing right in front of one. Oops. I smile, amused. He gives me a questioning look. "Something funny?" He looks at me. I shake my head and chuckle. "No, it's nothing." He gives me a suspicious look, but shrugs it off. "Okay, see you around." He says to me. I nod and smile, "Bye, Jason." before leaving. I walk out, and think about my visit. It was a bizarre experience, and I'm interested in the other camp. Why did they only mention this one?

Reyna's P.O.V
There's something off with Ben. He knew too much about our camp, before we told him anything about it. Can you really just find the entrance online? Something doesn't add up. I'll try to contact Chiron, and see if he knows anything about this. For now though, we'll just keep a close eye on him. That wasn't the only thing that was weird. It was like, like. . . His existence wasn't right; like he shouldn't be here. I know it's messed up to think that way, but there's just something. . . wrong with him. I guess I'll just keep these thoughts to myself, for now.

Ghost of the SkiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora