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So Lauren hasn't spoken, yet. If whatever is in quotation marks is italicized, then Lauren or whoever is signing. (Unless stated otherwise).

But onto the story. I hope this kills you guys. I tried to make it as cute as I could, but I don't know if it came out as I wanted. Last chapter was hard to top. But I'm sure you'll get excited when you read the first line of the actual chapter.



"She's ready to say her first word."

Dinah and Ally looked at each other and shared a proud smile. They turned back to Lauren's speech therapist and sign language.

"Just sit with her and try to get her to repeat a word, Mama, Mommy, Mila, Mani. They should all be easy for her, since they all start with 'M's. Lauren's hums help with that, since she is already making the sound. Once we are able to break that little barrier, teaching her other words will be easier."

Ally looked over to Lauren, who was stacking up blocks with Nala. That day was about teaching Lauren to talk, no sign language. Normani was at school and Camila was with her grandmothers.

"But I would like you guys to learn more sign language. We don't know how long it'll take Lauren to speak. We should be safe with this," Tori told the two mothers.

Dinah nodded her head. She felt someone pull her pants. She looked down at Lauren.

"Mommy, look," Lauren signed.

Dinah looked over to see a small tower of blocks with Nala on top. She grinned.

"That's really cool Cub," Dinah said, running her hand through the girl's hair. "What else can you do?"

Lauren looked at the tower and nodded. She ran back to play with the blocks.

"Spend the rest of the day trying to break that barrier. Once Lauren speaks, we can try to get more words in her vocabulary."

Dinah and Ally nodded, thanking the doctor. Dinah picked Lauren up, who squealed. She snuggled close to Dinah and hummed.

"You'll be talking in no time."


Lauren hummed, as she ran her hand through Nala's fur. She looked up at Dinah and Ally, who were glaring at each other. They kept asking her if she could say Mommy or Mama. Lauren didn't want to say anything.

"Can you say Mama?" Ally asked, looking at the girl.

Lauren shook her head and pointed to the television.

"How about Mommy?" Dinah asked, smiling at Lauren.

Lauren sighed and shook her head. She really wanted to watch television. There was an episode of Spongebob and she couldn't miss it. She sighed. It was very important to Lauren that she see Spongebob. Camila knew so much and Lauren had to catch up.

Ally looked at the clock. "I'm gonna pick Normani up from school. Is Camila coming home?"

"Yeah, your mom said she'd drop her off at four. So soon."

Ally nodded. She turned to Lauren. "Watch your Spongebob for now. We are going to try this again."

Lauren let out a sigh. "Fine."

Dinah laughed. She moved and sat down next to Lauren.

Lauren snuggled next to Dinah and clapped her hands, calling for Leo. The puppy ran and jumped onto the couch. He snuggled next to Lauren.

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