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Summer had arrived, highschool was over, and everybody was there for the occasion.

Ben and Sabrina's flat was arranged beautifully as they welcomed guests into their home. Red roses and funerary decorations changed the place's aura into a more saddening one, welcoming past ghosts that they hadn't been able to adress in earlier months.

Somehow, summer seemed like the perfect season to hold this kind of event. The invitees weren't occupied with work anymore and were free to come from wherever destiny had taken them. Eiza would have wanted it this way.

Everyone was fond of the tiny, lovely enchantress. Even the serious Derek, who Peter had been working on localizing for weeks, had made an appearance for the person who took a tiny bit of his heart when he left. It would always belong to her.

Isaac was quick to come from France, taking the first flight he came upon when he heard the news. Beacon Hills wasn't made for him, but he had stayed at Scott's ever since, not planning a departure until the funeral was over. He occupied the room Eiza took days before, and was drowned in past memories. Those two had been really close, her helping him with his dad situation.

Jackson and Ethan were there too. The two didn't exactly get along with the little enchantress at first, but they didn't fail to fall for her charm. Despite everything they had done, she was always good to them.

Chris, Melissa and Noah stood at the back of the room, a mortifying feeling setting deep within their bodies. Eiza had spent her entire childhood at Scott's and Stiles', and their parents were quite fond of her. It was second nature to look after her. Chris was introduced to her by her daughter, and although he never had the intention of killing her, he tried to keep her away. But at the end of the day, his daughter needed her, and when she was gone and left Isaac in France, he had nothing left but her.

Eiza, whose parents left her when they learnt she was supernatural. Ben didn't agree to leave with them, and since then they had been closer than ever. Maturity had been forced down those two, and Ben wasn't so sure he could keep going on with his sister gone. Sabrina wasn't so sure either, having been accepted into the Summer family by Eiza very nicely. She had been her first friend in highschool.

Parrish and a couple other deputies had entered the room, alongside Lydia's mother.

Everything was said now, and the entire pack had listened to Ben's and Sabrina's words with tear-stained faces and red eyes. Scott and Stiles had also contributed to the ceremony, sharing a few of their memories about their favorite girl.

Ghost Feelings ▸ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now