Gangster dad - Law

Start from the beginning

"You are?" I ask shocked. He gave me a short nod and set me down. I notice I am in some more comfortable clothes. Cargo shorts and a gray long sleeved shirt.

He hit me! I don't want to be here! "Let me go please." I cast my gaze downwards. "Your name kid." The man says in a threatening tone.

I rub my small hands together, my black hair falls to my face. My throat starts to close and form a lump. "Let me go ple-please." I say in my smallest tone of voice. I don't like my dad very much anymore.

"Right, your scared. I did knock you out." I heard the man sigh. I feel his hand of my head as he pushes my hair out of my face. The man looks at my face.

His eyes have dark circles underneath them. Long nose, tanned skin like mine too! He has a beard and some um sideburns! But, even if I do look like him still he's terrifying! He straighted up and walked to the stove.

"You look a lot like me kid." The man says as he flips a pancake.

Letting me go he sets me down. "You can call me father or papa if you like."

This kitchen is enormous! Amazing! Fantastic even! The refrigerator was gray and as so many buttons! The oven and stove are in two different places! Cool!!!

This is like a fancy apartment! "Don't get used to it kid. We'll be moving around in about a week." I look at Law.

"Okay. My name is So-Ming." I clear my throat. I see a window to the outside! I run to it! Before I reach it; I was picked up again! "LET ME GO!"

Feeling a slap to the back of my head made me start to cry. "No shouting inside the house!" He hissed at me.

"Don't run off either So-Ming. I have some questions and answers that you may what to hear."

"You're mean!" I shout at him.

He gives me a stern look, "Don't test me kid." His eyes turn stern. His lips in a scowl.

"Where is your mother?" Law picks me up from my waist. I look at my father and cross my arms. "She left me at a mall."

"So, you don't know where she is now." Law places me on the countertop and have me a plate of pancakes.

I stare at him, he killed those people in the gas station. "Eat." He glares at me.

Sure enough few days later we moved to another part of the city. This time we were in a hotel.

It is a amazing! I look around the lobby it's dim with a high ceiling! I rub my shoes on the carpet, does my dad own this place? Wow!

"Oi! Don't do that get over here NOW!" Law calls out to me. Walking over to him I grab his hand when I see that he has talking to the lobby guy.

A man with blond hair and a scar of his left eye smiles at me. "Never knew you were a charity case, Mr Trafalgar."

"Hey! I'm 12 not stupid! You're a meanie!" I slam my hand on the counter.

"Sabo, give me a key."

Dad's voice turned to ice, scary! The man just nodded and give dad a golden key. "Enjoy your stay little one." The man waves at me with a fake smile. I guess my dad doesn't own the place.

I stick my tongue out at him. Father yanks my arm! "Ow! That hurt!" I rub my arm up and down.

"This isn't some ordinary hotel. You will stay in the hotel room till I get back."

When he came back he bought be some snacks. "When is your birthday kid?"

I sat on the couch and changed into some pajamas he bought be yesterday. A light pink and blue shirt with black shorts.

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