"Well there are so many people here, we could get caught." He was cut off by their talking.

"Why does it matter?" Kayano asked.

"Cause it could throw off the space time continuum or something like that..." Nagisa mumbled.

"Don't worry about that! It's science fiction, silly!" Kayano laughed. "Karasuma really didn't fill you in on anything, huh?"

Nagisa was about to retort when he flinched at a loud voice that he had heard too many times.

"Hey!" Tanaka sneered. "Where'd you get that uniform? You know it's against the dress code to where the wrong uniform. How 'bout you go get on a skirt and dress like the right gender, huh?"

Takada laughed and grabbed him by his collar. "You're weak as a girl too! Ha!"

Younger Nagisa looked down as tears filled his eyes. He was helpless. He was weak. He was pathetic. Nagisa hated his younger self.

"Awe! Looks like she's gonna cry!" Tanaka mocked.

Nagisa glanced at Karma who had a furious expression on his face. Younger Nagisa was thrown to the ground and Karma's hands turned to fists.

"Looks like you don't have any friends to help you! But that's understandable. Nobody would wanna be friends with a little crybaby girl!" Younger Nagisa closed his eyes and winced as those words were spat in his face. They walked away laughing and pointing out the "funniest parts" to each other.

Younger Nagisa sighed, got a drink and left. As soon as younger Nagisa left they stood up.

"Wow..." Kayano said to break the silence.

"Nagisa, why didn't you stand up for yourself?" Karma demanded.

"It's fine!" Nagisa forced a smile. "It's not a big deal... When you think about it they're kinda right. I used to cry about everything." he laughed sheepishly.

"No they aren't!" Kayano said, surprising them all. She turned red, embarrassed about by her outburst. But seeing them treat Nagisa like that boiled her blood. "Sorry."

Nagisa's face turned from surprised back to a "smile". "Let's go! We still have to do some more exploring!" He changed the subject.

"Yeah..." Karma said as his brows furrowed. He wished he could go teach those brats a lesson. They think they're so smart but they know nothing. They walked up to the door of the mountain.

"I forgot how tedious it was to climb this thing." Kayano looked up the path.

"Yeah." Karma said. Nagisa didn't comment because he was used to it. He took care of the old building so he was there a lot. They began their trek up the mountain in silence, taking in the scenery. It was quiet and peaceful.

They made it up the mountain and stopped in front of the old sign. The building was old and rundown and dirty but it was comforting. It was a reminder of the best and worst year of Nagisa's life. After killing Koro Sensei, his parents had tried to get back together which resulted in a lot of fighting and ultimately another divorce only six months later.

It made his mother's abuse worse. She blamed him and he believed her. He fell into a state of depression and suffered silently. He had taken the life of the only adult who genuinely cared for him, he caused his mother heartbreak, he had no friends, and he felt utterly helpless.

Though it wasn't as bad, he still was struggling. He couldn't bring himself to ask for help so he never got it. He didn't want to burden anyone with his troubles that He was convinced were ultimately his fault. He learned to hide it though.

"This brings back memories!" Karma exclaimed.

"Yeah." Nagisa whispered as his eyes began to fill with tears. He could still remember every day he spent here as if it was yesterday. Every single moment that had slipped through his fingers, that he had taken for granted, that were gone for good.

"Are you ok?" Kayano looked to him, concerned.

"What?" He snapped out of his stupor and tried to blink back the tears. "Of course."

"Are you sure?" Karma asked. He was surprisingly concerned for someone who didn't bother to show his face for years in Nagisa's opinion. Nagisa quickly pushed those spiteful thoughts from his mind. Karma was busy, that wasn't his fault. Nagisa silently scolded himself for thinking anything like that in the first place.

"I'm sure." Nagisa assured them with a smile. They looked skeptical but they didn't push the matter, which he was glad for.

"Shall we go in?" Karma suggested, stepping forward.

"Um, I don't think that's such a good idea Karma." Kayano told him.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Karma began walking forward but Nagisa stopped him.

"Kayano's right. How would people react if three random adults just waltzed into class?" Nagisa pointed out.

"You guys are no fun." Karma said in a matter-of-fact-like tone.

"We know." Kayano shrugged.

Then, a beep came from their bracelets. "We have all the information we need now," It was Ritsu. "We're sending you back now."

"Aw, I wanted to stay longer. This is fun." Kayano whined.

The bracelets glowed.

(This is the revised version)

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