(Chapter 2)

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A few weeks later, Eren was sitting on the couch in a black sweater,gray sweatpants and white socks. His mom's laptop laid on his lap, the tv played a kids show in front of him, and his empty bowl of cereal laid on the coffee table.

Eren doesn't go to school and instead learns on his mom's laptop. She signed him up to be taught online and Eren find it better than school. Less judgement and more learning.

"Good morning kiddo" A tall blonde haired man said ruffling Eren's hair. Eren cringed at the sound of that name being rolled off of the tip of his tongue. "The names Eren" he said quite annoyed. "But kiddo is what dads called their son right?" He inquires. "But you're not my dad and neither is my real one" Eren said.

Eren has grown a huge hate towards his dad for making him like this and he doesn't see any bright side as to loving his new self.

"Eren don't be mean now it's too early to be going through this" Kaurla said coming over and kissed the blonde man. Eren made a disgusted face, sticking his tongue out and went back to learning. A few days after Grisha left, Kaurla had found a new man who also helped her find a job at a nice bar that wasn't too far from where they lived. It was a popular bar and many go there to dance,find love, and of course drink. They both work there and get paid a good amount to help pay bills,rent,buy food and go out to fun places. Eren didn't like him cause he would hog his mom, taking her out to so many places without him when he would want to have time with her and he was the biggest drunk he ever seen. His name was Hannes.

"I'll stop being mean when he leaves" Eren mumbled under his breath. Kaurla smacked him softly in the back of his head, hearing his retort.

Hannes doesn't know that Eren's dad injected him with a chemical that made him get different eyes and telekinesis. He believed that Eren was born with it because Kaurla told him except for the telekinesis part.

"Alright we're out Eren! Be safe" Hannes said as Eren turned around to him. "You should be saying that to yourself" He mumbled and shifted his hand to the left, causing the front door to smack against Hannes.

"Omg are you okay!?" Kaurla asked bending down to Hannes. "Y-yeah but we really have to get that door fixed" He said standing up and dusting himself off. Kaurla shot Eren a glare who frowned and turned around doing his work.

An hour after they left, Eren had finished his work and put his mother's laptop back. He walked up the stairs and to his room. To pass time he started messing around with his powers a bit, turning things around and just starting to reorganize his room. He used his powers to pick up his clothes and put them in a basket,hung his clothes up in his closet, and make his bed. He went back down the stairs and decided to use this as an advantage to cleaning the house to make his mom happy. One hand worked on doing the dishes while the other hand swept the floors and then mopped. He washed the windows,did laundry, and dusted. The house never looked any cleaner.

For such a young kid, Eren was incredibly smart when it came to chores. He would watch his mom to learn how to do it that way he can do it instead of his mom. Minutes later, Eren was done cleaning and watched TV while eating chocolate ice cream from the carton since he felt like he deserved a treat.

A soft knock was at the front door and Eren got down from the couch and went over to the window, peeking through the curtains seeing his next door neighbor Mikasa with her big brother Levi. Eren became a bit anxious and looked around to see if anything was out of place and then remembered about his eye. He went to the kitchen and grabbed out a bag of eyes and placed it on his right hazel eyes before opening the door. Mikasa gave a bright smile seeing Eren and waved.

"Hi Eren!" She said excitedly as Eren waved. "Your mom called us asking to check up on you. You doing alright?" Levi asked as Eren nodded.

"Just so you won't be lonely, Mikasa asked if she could stay over until your parents arrive, is that okay?" Levi asked as Eren bit his lip before nodding again. "What happened to your eye?" Levi asked a bit concerned.

"I-I bumped into a wall" He lied. Levi scoffed then patted Mikasa's back. "Be safe and don't do nothing ridiculously stupid" Levi said as Mikasa nodded.

Eren closed the door and went back onto the couch eating his ice cream as Mikasa followed. "Hey Eren do you want to play hide and seek?" Mikasa asked.

"U-um sure" Eren said and went into the freezer, putting the ice cream up. "You pick what you wanna do" Eren told as Mikasa smiled. "I wanna hide oh and base is the couch" She said.

"Okay I'll count" Eren said and turned around. He heard Mikasa's footsteps fade and went over and placed the ice pack in the trashcan. He then grabbed a bandaid and placed it over his eye.

"One...two...three..." he counted until he got to ten. "Ready or not here I come" He said and walked around looking for Mikasa. She was nowhere downstairs so she could be upstairs.

Eren walked up the stairs quietly and searched for Mikasa. He heard a crash come from his room and looked inside seeing his closet a mess but when he looked inside no one was there. He turned around and saw Mikasa dash out of the room and hurried after her. Mikasa turned around and saw Eren and shrieked, now running faster. Before she could make it to the couch, Eren tapped her shoulder. "Got you" He said.

"Wow you're fast. Now it's my turn to count" She said and began counting as Eren hid. As much as Eren enjoyed having so much fun with Mikasa, he could only imagine how she will react if she saw his true self.


Later that afternoon, Kaurla and Hannes had returned home. Kaurla was preparing dinner, Hannes was drinking while watching a football game, and Eren was sitting in his room, sitting on his bed playing a game on his mom's phone. Eren looked up and through his window. Across from him was Mikasa's place as he can see Mikasa's room. Her light was on and he saw that she was also on her bed but reading a book.

Eren turned his mom's phone off and laid on the small counter of his window watching Mikasa. To him, Mikasa was perfect in every way. She was kind, beautiful, and very smart for her age. She loves reading books and sometimes go to her martial arts class with her big brother.

"Someone like her is too perfect for me" Eren mumbled under his breath. "Like Mikasa will love a freak like me" He said taking the bandaid off of his eye.

The door opened revealing his mom. She was in a night dress and her hair was out. "Eren I've been meaning to ask you this for a while but...did you clean the house?" She asked and walked over to him, sitting on his bed. "Yeah I did every chore I could think of cause I was bored" He said turning away from the window. "What was you looking at?" She asked and looked through the window seeing Mikasa reading a book. "You like her don't you?" She spoke. Eren cheeks turned a dark red color.

"I-I like her...a lot...b-but what if she doesn't like me? Usually girls as beautiful as Mikasa are too good to be true so they end up being with someone that's...better" He said and buried his head in his arms.

"Don't think that Eren, I know that there is a girl that is dying to love you" Kaurla said and kissed Eren's forehead. "Your powers really do come in handy though, our house will forever be clean" She said. "And you can do things without having to do them yourself although it'll be kinda lazy but it's worth it in the end" Kaurla said.

"But mommy what if I hurt someone? What if...what if I hurt Mikasa?" He said in a shaky tone. "Eren you won't hurt Mikasa you just have to be really cautious of your powers" Eren nodded understanding what his mother said. "Come on dinner is ready" She said. Eren and Kaurla went downstairs, Eren went to the couch (a few inches away from Hannes) and his mother went in the kitchen, preparing his plate of tacos.

"I made your favorite" She said handing Eren his plate as he thanked her. Eren began eating his first taco out of the three he had and saw that some adult show was on. He grabbed the remote and changed it to SpongeBob. "H-h-hey...c-change it back...I was watching that" Hannes said in a drunken tone. He went closer to Eren to get the remote, Eren making a face as he smelled the stinch of alcohol all over his mouth.

"Get away from me" Eren said and used his powers pushing Hannes to the other end of the couch who in an instant fell in a deep sleep. "Drunk bastard" He mumbled under his breath and continued eating while watching his show.

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