Robin batgirl

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Dick pov

I wake up and get dressed as fast as I can. I run down to Alfred.

"Here's your lunch, master Richard, have a good day," he smiles handing me my lunch.

"Thanks Alfred," I say grabbing my skate board and riding out. "Bye Bruce," I scream as I ride.

I ride all the way to Barbara's apartment, like every day. The ice becomes to slippery and I through my board into my backpack, and through down my backpack. I climb up the fire escape to her window, something I usually don't do. I look into the window. I always had the biggest crush on her. I always thought she was cute, always wondered if she felt the same way. She's on her bed brushing her. I tap on the glass, she laughs and runs to open the window.

"Oh good gosh Grayson!" She exclaimed. "You know normal people just use the door," she teased.

"Who ever said I was normal," I poke.

We ride to school. Nows your chance dick. Tell her, just come out and say......babs, I'm robin. I can't.

Babs pov

Ok-ok so I have also had a crush on dick, but....but he's my best friend, it would be weird. We go through the school day but I just have to know what's behind that door. I ride all the way to Dicks house and hide behind what I now call "my bushes" and wait. But this time he goes through the front door. Dang it. I get a text from Dick.

'He babs where r u we always walk back from school together'

I answer.

'Sorry had to leave early'

Walk back to my apartment, do my homework, take a shower and go to sleep.

Robin pov 1:36am

Running down the alley way. Trying to escape, from the grips of bane. Batman had to deal with the joker and left me to bane. Hop over a trash can. Bane is right behind me.

"Ah is the birdy boy scared?" He says behind me.

I try to act like I'm ok. But I'm not blood covers my in tire face. My costume, cut and tattered, in the red liquid. He grabs me and throughs me with ease, like a rag doll into a near by trash can. He walks off slowly, chuckling.

I know I'm going to die out here. Ok I'm ready. Wait no! I'm dick Grayson, the boy wonder. I stop at nothing. I do my best to stand up, but I hit the dumpster with my head. I muster up my strength and move my head up. Realizing were I am I climb the fire escape, to Barbara's window. Ok Grayson, you can do it... Just tell her. I need help.

I softly knock on the door.

Barbara's pov

I hear tapping on my window. I look at the clock, it reads '2:03am'. If this is dick I am gonna slap him in the face for waking me up. I move the curtains out of the way and slowly open the window. Standing there is the boy wonder. Covered in blood. The R symbol on his chest is cut up and dirty.

"ROBIN!" I say.

He falls to the ground in front of me. He pulls of his domino mask. There is a clean spot around his newly uncovered eyes were the blood did not reach. I can't recognize him at first, but I realize who I'm talking to. He drops his mask to the ground.

"Ba-bs...... I'm ro-...bin," he says as he coughs up blood and passes out in a pool of his own blood.

"DICK!" Me thoughts go into over drive. What do I do. Oh! I know. Thank God dad that you made me take those medical classes. And thank God my dad had a late shift and won't be back tell 3am.

I clean the first large cut on his face, most of the blood comes from there. I wash the rest of his face. I pull his costume down to his waste. He has a huge gash on his chest. I run down to the bathroom and get some supplies to stitch the wound, in Gotham you can never be to safe. I finish the cut and pull his cut, blood stranded uniform back on. Now I have to get him to wake up. I feel his pulse it's steady, but not as good as I hoped. I pump his chest, nothing. I give him mouth to mouth, again nothing. I pump him 6 more times. He begins coughing. His eyes open, and he sits up. I can't hold my self back from hugging.

"Dick.....your alive, never scare me like that again," I say, still hugging him.

"Wow nurse babs..... Your pretty good at this," he smiles. "Your cute when your nervous," he says. "I should go batman is probably wondering where I am," he says getting up.

"Wait," I say. "That's it, I just found out that my best friend is robin, why didn't you tell me?" I ask

"I'm sorry babs.....I really am, but Bruce wouldn't let me," he says.

"Wow, I never thought of Bruce as the batman type," I say.

"Most don't, that whole playboy thing, just an act," he says with a smile. "Look babs, I gotta go will talk about it tomorrow, promise," he says jumping out of the window.

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