Part 6

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April 16th

When I woke up, my throat hurt. my voice was gone, and I still felt depressed.
I had to work today, so I dragged my depressed ass out of my bed, and walked towards the mirror in my room.

I took a critical look at myself.
My hair was a mess, I needed a new haircut, I had dark circles under my puffy eyes and I looked very pale.
I looked irritated at my reflexion, and my eyes started do my usual body-check: what did I have to improve about my body?

And actually, I had not much to bitch about today. All of my fat had been gone since last week (well, I never had that much fat to begin with).
My day became a little brighter the instant I realised that.
I made some weird faces at my reflexion, and danced really silly though my room until I had to laugh at my stupid self.
"That is more like it Bulma!" I encouraged myself. "You are a strong woman, you are not the type to lay in bed and cry over some stupid breakup! It sucks, but today will be a beautiful day, and we have to keep looking forward and make the best of it!!!"
I nodded at the mirror, took a shower after that, and dressed up nice; because when you wear something that makes you feel beautiful, your whole attitude will radiate that feeling.

I jumped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, feeling pretty good.
I wore a white tank top, and wore some tight dark-green jeans. I had straightened my hair, and even with my tired and pale face, I thought I looked quite pretty.

Vegeta was sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast with an amused look on his face, while Mom was doing the dishes.
"Ah Bulma! We were just talking about you!" said Mom without even looking up, as soon as I walked in.
I looked surprised at Mom, and then at Vegeta.
"What were you talking about?" I asked curious. What subject could Mom have talked about with Vegeta?
But my voice sounded so husky, that my Mom's head shot up, and instead of answering my question, she put her hands on her cheeks, looked at me, and squeaked full of horror:
"Bulma love! You sound terrible! Oh dear, Oh love, you also LOOK horrible! What happened?!"
Even Vegeta looked up from his food to take a look at my horrible face.

- goodbye self-esteem – 

"Well... I ..    "my voice broke off, and I felt like a stone had dropped in my gut.
"I guess I caught something when I sat in the yard last night. It became pretty cold after a while" I lied.

Vegeta snorted with disbelief. "Ha, yeah right "
"What do you mean by that?" I instantly snapped back at him (it had become a habit), with an angry and hoarse voice.
Vegeta looked at me with an evil and amused grin on his face.
"I could hear you scream all night.. Was your pillow that scary? Having nightmares about evil blankets?" He taunted.
It felt like he had hit me in the face. Did he know..? He just looked at me with that mean look, watching my reaction, waiting for my comeback.

But I had none. I felt really empty.

" It..  it was.. nothing... " I whispered as my voice gave up on me. I lowered my gaze to the ground. And I guess I got an empty look in my eyes, because my mom chirped a little worried: "Honey, are you feeling faint again? Are you having a fever? You are so pale!"

Vegeta swept the grin off his face, and looked intrigued at my face.
I shook slowly my head and whispered "No, I feel okay Mom. I think I'll go and help Dad now. Bye"
And I fled out of the kitchen.

I helped Dad repairing the roof of the gravity room in the sweltering heat, and didn't stop until lunch.
Even though my Dad had given me a worried stare, he didn't say anything about my voice or paleness. I love him for that.

"Come Bulma, lunch-break!" announced Dad around 1 o'clock.
I wasn't hungry at all. Just the thought of having to see Vegeta's smug face made my stomach ache.
"I don't feel like eating... I had a big breakfast this morning, so I think I'll skip. Oh, and Dad, I'd like to work some more on my fabric-project, is that okay with you?" I asked.
Dad gave me a thump up and left.

How Vegeta and I got together   - Bulma's DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now