"No!" Speedwagon pointed at Jonathan. "Sir Joestar passed his noble spirit on to Jonathan!" By this time Jonathan, your father, and you were crying. "It is his unwavering will, his pride, and his future. I normally despise blubbering blue bloods, but this father and son are different." Speedwagon closed his eyes as tears fell down. You had just met Speedwagon so you weren't too sure about what to think of him, but he seemed like a guy who would be there for Jonathan until the end. "They're the best spoon fed blokes I know." He let out a small smile and glanced at you, which you couldn't help but to return. Speedwagon turned away from the scene and looked back towards the window.

"T-the body!" You whipped around to see that Dio's body was indeed gone, all that was left was the stone mask and pieces of the broken window on the ground.

"Get away from the window!" Speedwagon warned running towards Jonathan. You and your father followed in pursuit. The warning didn't reach the chief in time as a hand cut through his skull slicing it in two. Another lightning bolt struck adding to the suspenseful mood and a soft "wryyyy" sounded from the top of the window sill. 

You couldn't believe your eyes as the man who was believed to be dead posed on the window frame.

"H-he's alive?! How?! We filled him with bullets?" Speedwagon took the words right out of your mouth.

"He could be armed be careful!" One of the police exclaimed as Dio moved into the room.  

Jonathan had laid down his father when the commotion started. "I-it can't be!"

 As you stood between Speedwagon and the rest of the police force Dio made gut piercing eye contact with you. He began to walk towards you which made you take a step back behind Speedwagon.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot!" Speedwagon shouted at the quivering police.

"W-wait if bullets didn't work the first time what makes you think they'd work now?" Your question went unheard as Jonathan grabbed a gun from one of the policemen and pointed it straight at Dio. 

"Dio stop right there!" Dio smirked at Jonathan's attempt and continued walking, completely ignoring him.

"Hurry up and pull the trigger Jojo!" Speedwagon shouted. 

The shot landed on the left side of Dio's forehead, but it wasn't Jonathan that had pulled the trigger. Jonathan had begun shaking and Speedwagon knew that he wouldn't be able to shoot so he had taken the shot.

Dio continued walking as though nothing had happened and brought his hand to the hole that the bullet had left on his head. Blood was dripping down the side of his face and his fingers were now stained red. He brought the two fingers to his lips and licked them.

"I don't understand how is he not dead? This can't be happening..." Speedwagon panicked. 

Dio finally spoke. "Jojo." Dio jumped up getting ready to lunge at someone.  "This marvelous power comes from the mask and your father's blood." He then stuck two fingers in one policeman and drained his blood. 

A Midnight's Innocence: Dio Brando x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now