The Truth

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Who's ready for this part because I know for sure that I'm not. But hey at least my waifu Speedwagon is in it. :3 Anyways I'll let you guys continue on with the story, I can't spoil too much. (Even though if you've watched or read the first part of JJBA you should already know but meh.)


As Dio opened the door to the mansion you felt your heart drop. You had a feeling that the events that occurred today weren't going to be pleasant for anyone.

All the lights in the mansion were off, fitting the quite somber atmosphere. You clenched at Dio's cloak not liking where this was going to lead to. 

Dio walks into the room and sets you on your feet beside him. Your chest pain had lightened up a bit on the walk back to the mansion, but it didn't stop your heart from beating furiously.

"Butlers! Why is it dark in here?" Dio questioned. As soon as he did you heard a match being lit from behind you. You both turned around to see Jonathan holding a candelabra, lighting each of the three candles up.


"I have proof of your devilish plot Dio." Jonathan gave him a menacing look as he talked. Dio narrowed his eyes at Jonathan ready to challenge him. Jonathan then took the moment to glance at you. "What did you do to (YN)?!" He exclaimed noticing your weakened state, slightly out of breath at the events that had happened earlier. Dio didn't reply and continued to glare at Jonathan clearly deep in thought.

Jonathan took a hold of your hand and sat you and the candelabra down at a nearby table.

"I-It wasn't Dio who did this to me Jojo. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time in town..." You trailed off, a bit shameful that you had to stand up for Dio even though you knew he was the one who had poisoned Mr. Joestar. Even if he did you wouldn't stand for him to be falsely accused of hurting you. Jonathan glanced you over to make sure you were really okay, not once doubting if you were just covering for Dio. He had completely faith in you, unlike his faith for the other person in the room.

Jonathan turned his attention back at Dio. "I found the antidote. I gave it to father moments ago. Dio I'm heartbroken. We were raised as brothers and now I must turn you in. I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't believe me, but I can assure you my words are genuine." Jonathan explained to Dio who now sat beside you. Dio had sweat beads running down his face, you could barely bring yourself to look at the accused man knowing everything Jonathan had said to you was right. 

Dio let out a sigh before responding. "I would expect nothing less from you. Jojo my selfishness is shameful, but I have one final favor to ask." Dio put his hand over his heart and gave Jonathan a look of remorse. "Please give me time to turn myself in." You and Jonathan both looked at him in surprise over his words. 'Well I guess I'll give him credit for being a good actor.'

"I regret everything! My meager upbringing has made me greedy, I've been a fool. Poisoning, out of greed, the very man who raised me! That's why I came back to confess!" Dio's eyes were watering up at this point. "If I wanted to run I could have gone anywhere!" Tears flowed down Dio's face. Even you were lost for words wondering which side of him was the act. 

'A really damn good actor.' 

"T-that's true." Jonathan sounded a bit unsure. "I just want to make amends." Dio added.

"Dio..." Jonathan went to move towards Dio when an unfamiliar voice joined the conversation. "Careful, Jonathan. Don't believe a word that snake says." The person lit a match revealing that he had been there the whole time. He was a man you had never seen around the Joestar manor, he had a scar across his face and long wavy blonde hair, he was dressed in a dark purple suit and had on a bowler hat. "You both look puzzled. Allow me to introduce myself." He said waving the match making the flame go out. He then made his hand into a fist and put it against his chest. "I'm Robert E.O. Speedwagon, the meddler. I was worried about Jonathan so I followed him back from that London slum. I like you and your naive morality Mr. Joestar. So I'll let you in on something." Speedwagon moved from his spot behind the pillar towards the table you three were around. "I grew up in the worst slums you can imagine, I know my share of scumbags. I can sniff out the good and the bad, and this guy stinks worse than a puddle of puke!" Speedwagon kicked the candelabra off the table, which you had thought had been unnecessary for him to do.

Dio was shaking at this point and you knew it wasn't out of fear that he had been discovered. You believed he knew exactly what was going to happen the moment he walked through the front door.

"I've never met a man more wicked than he!" Speedwagon continued. "Wicked because of circumstance? No! This man was born evil!" Just then a flash of lightning lit the room.

Speedwagon went towards a red curtain by a wall and grabbed a hold of something. "A familiar face I presume?" He dragged out a small man and pushed him to the floor next to Jonathan. 

"This man has confessed to selling you poison Dio." Jonathan stated. 

"I've heard enough." Dio made a surprised look as he heard the new additional voice. You looked to where the voice had come from to see Mr. Joestar, your father, and a couple policemen. 

"I loved you as if you were my own son." Mr. Joestar stated before coughing. "Father you must rest." Jonathan dotted walking over to his father. You got up from your seat to join, but Dio grabbed a hold of your wrist.

"I will return to my chamber, I refuse to watch my son's incarceration." Mr. Joestar stated. "Jojo do what you must."

Dio got up from his chair, not yet letting go of your wrist. "So ths is the end." Dio let out.

The small man Speedwagon had brought out spoke up. "He won't be caught here. Those three moles on his left ear...he was born with the devil's own luck." What he said had Mr. Joestar look back in concern. You always wondered about the three moles Dio had on his ear, but never questioned as to what they could mean.

"(YN) even if they arrest me know that nothing will change between us." Dio stated as Jonathan walked over to you two. You slowly nodded your head at Dio. "I'll uh visit you and write to you." You quietly said not wanting anyone else to overhear. Dio kissed your forehead and released your wrist before walking over to Jonathan. "Jojo, I want you to be the one to handcuff me." You found the whole scene odd, to see Dio hold out his to arms to Jonathan asking for something from him. "For our years together."

"Alright." Jonathan grabbed the handcuffs. You took that moment and stood next to Speedwagon who warned Jonathan to be careful. Dio let a small, warm smile appear on his face as he looked at Jonathan. Then he said something unexpected. "Jojo, humans have their limits, don't you agree? I've learned something in my life. The more one schemes, the more unpredictable life becomes. So long as one remains human."

"What are you talking about, have you gone mad?" Jonathan asked, confused.

"I cast aside my humanness Jojo!" Dio then grabbed out the stone mask and dagger. "I'm about to transcend humankind!"

"Jojo watch out!" You yelled now knowing exactly what Dio had planned.

"And I'll use your blood, Jojo!" Dio continued throwing the dagger at Jonathan. Everyone in the room gasped as the scene unfolded, only it wasn't Jonathan that the dagger had fit itself in.

"Father!" Jonathan shouted in despair. 

Dio took everyone's worry as his moment to attach the mask on and laughed.

The policemen fired their guns at Dio sending him flying through the window.

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