Long Time

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I know what you all are thinking, wow another update so soon, welp I got into a really good writing mood so voila you're welcome.~ (Even though no one asked for it.)  I just the support I've been getting lately helped push me to writing more. '~'  And woo it's my birthday! Anyways enjoy the new chapter!


7 years later (3rd person P.O.V)

1888, the year that would trigger a long chain of events causing the Joestar's lives to be changed forever. Many bizarre and explainable things would happen that they'd have to fight. Currently though, everyone was living out their peaceful lives, unaware of what was yet to come.

"He got it! The hero of Hugh Hudson Academy, Jonathan Joestar took the ball!" Jonathan sprinted down the rugby field, dodging players left to right. The announcer continued to talk about him in excitement. "Normally he is a quiet man! But the 195 cm (6.3 ft) tall Jonathan Joestar screams as he charges for the goal! The last game before graduation! Will he crown it with a victory!?" 

From the crowd a young lady gleamed with joy as she watched her dearest friend play his heart out. She had just arrived in town and as soon as she heard about the match today she rushed down to surprise him.

"Oh! They got him! A player from the other school tackled Jojo!" One later turned into three people trying to slow down the peaceful giant, but they're efforts were in waste. "What power! Good god he's like a train!" Another jock tackled Jonathan causing his body to shake at the weight that was piled on top of him. As Jonathan keeled over he made a pass.

"The pass is through! The runner is..." The announcer paused looking for who the pass was going to. "Dio! Our Dio Brando!"

Dio hunched down, easily dodging his attackers as he passed. "What magnificent running! Will he get through!?"

Dio didn't waver and kept up his speed as he raced down the field. "He's through! A solo run! Magnificent! A magnificent runner as always!" The announcer complimented. Then Dio gracefully reached the end line. "A try!" (Rugby term for touchdown.) The team along with the crowd went wild at Dio's success. "He did it! They won the last game!"

The girl watched along in amazement, this was the first rugby game she ever witnessed and it was sure a fleet to see. She waited till the team separated a bit to approach the winning lads who were, to her surprise, unexpectedly getting along. 

"Wow you guys have gotten well...uh...bigger." The girl greeted them once she stood in front of the two, taking in their now massive height differences compared to her.

The two looked at the girl befuddled for a moment, before realizing who she was. "(YN!)" Jonathan exclaimed in glee to his childhood friend, picking her up in a hug to which the girl laughed at. "That was some game, I never knew you guys could work so well together." She commented as Jonathan set her back down on the grass.

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