Game Piece

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A/N I tried to stay as true to this part as I could so hopefully it turned out decent and not too rushed. '~'

Soft knocking sounded from the guest room's door that you were currently staying in woke you up. You grumbled at the unwanted noise, slightly sitting up and rubbed your messy locks.

"Who is it?" Your voice echoed through the room.

"It's me Jojo, I have something to show you so hurry up." Jojo whispered through the door.

"Okay give me a couple moments." You responded a bit confused as to why Jojo was trying to be quiet. You got up from the bed and went to your dresser, taking off your nightgown and putting something more fitting on.

You opened the door afterwards and saw Jojo gleaming at you. "Come on we don't have much time." He stated as he grabbed your hand and led you out the mansion once again. In his other hand he held a bag.

"Hey Jojo what's in the bag?" You questioned.

"You'll find out in a bit." 

Eventually your journey with Jonathan ended and a big group of teenage boys were before you, circling around a roped off area.

"Uh Jojo what's this about?" 

"You know how we'd always joke about who was stronger and use to fight all the time?" You nodded, smiling fondly at the memories of the two of you play fighting as kids. "Well I wanted to show you just how strong I've gotten." He smiled, full of pride. With the smile he gave off you just couldn't help but to smile along with him. "Aw you big goof ball." You said as you lightly nudged him on the shoulder. 

"Well I think my fight is about to start, so make sure you have a good view!"  He exclaimed as he moved to one corner of the ring. Based on the red gloves he took out of his bag you guessed that this was suppose to be a boxing ring.

"Oi what's a lass doing here?" One boy asked as you got closer to the ring.

"Especially one who dresses like a noble." Someone added.

"I think she's with Jojo." Another commented. 

A low murmur of talk about you and Jojo occurred making you feel uncomfortable, but thankfully the announcer diffused all the ruckus. "In this corner is Jonathan Joestar! He's looking stronger lately!" The crowd let out a cheer as Jonathan lifted his arms and looked at you, you let out a loud cheer along with the crowd making Jonathan smile.

"And his opponent has been changed." The announcer continued making Jonathan put on a look of confusion.

"All we know is his name. He's the new guy in town!" Everyone turned to look at the lad and Jonathan's face paled immediately as he set his eyes on him. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion wondering who could make Jonathan like that.

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