Poor Jimin...always getting caught or brought up in my problems that I drag him into. The weird thing was that Jimin is a very popular dude, and a social butterfly as well as captain of the quiditch team for his house. Girls, and some boys, practically fell to his feet, googling at him to capture his attention. Everyone wanted to be Jimin's friend, for he was smart, kind, and tough when he needed to be, and why the fuck he hung out with me was a huge question that hung over everyone's head, including mine. To tell you the honest to god truth, even I can't put my finger on.

My cheeks flushed red again from jungkook's comment , but I Witheld my usually snarky tone, and refrained from a comeback to refer my attention back to Snape. Whom I answered as best as i could.

"I'm..i'm sorry Professor, I was up all night studying, I'll try to refrain next time from sleeping in your class." As much as I hated to, I admitted defeat, in order to stray away from any more embarrassment that could come my way.

Snape let out a grunt of disapproval before walking away to the front of the classroom, probably not wanting to waste anymore useless energy on me. "Well whatever, you know what your punishment is, go see Hagrid after classes end today. " and as if something was finally going right and my prayers were answered: class was finally over.

As quickly as i could, I grabbed my books and wand off my desk to rush out of the dark depressing classroom/ dungeon,  in order to find a place where I could be alone. I don't think I could go to my next class with any sense of dignity or be as focused as I usually am. Not only was I embarrassed because of Snape or Jungkook, it's just the fact that I was an actual idiot falling asleep again in class. It was also the fact that I have to help some weird grown ass man clean a field that's literally just dirt and poles for the rest of the school year.

The weird thing is: I'm actually a good student and a good witch, I just really fucking hate snape and his stupid potions class with a burning passion. I earn good grades, as I'm almost top of the class right behind some girl named Heromine Granger, and right in front of a boy named Kim Taehyung (Griffindor). The fact that my record is gonna be far from perfect, just because I slept in class irks me beyond belief.

They usually say Slytherins have the upper hand with Snape and have an advantage inside his classroom to practically get away with anything. With me: that's far from the truth. From Day one, Snape hated my guts and swore to somehow make me miserable and feel like shit in front of everyone. Fortunately, I've heard I'm not the only one who gets underneath the grown ass emo man's skin, in fact there are several others who the old chap just cannot stand. He doesn't even like Harry Potter, the boy who defeated Voldemort, and before you freak out that I said his name just know that, I absolutely 100% understand why but know that I also 100% don't care as well. 

I kept walking until I ended up on a far end of Hogwarts, where a sparkling crystal clear waterfall flowed into a small river that connected to a forest covered by dark trees. Truthfully I had never seen this place before and nor did I know where I was, however I didn't care though, I just wanted a place where I could be by myself and sulk in my own embarrassment. Maybe cry a little? I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm sick and tired of being in a house I don't belong too. Everyone hates me, and fucking Jeon Jungkook shakes my entire being with wrath. 

Like what the hell is his issue and why does he treat me like I'm his little bitch? I have so much that I want to tell him off for, because of the way he's always tried to make me feel, but to be honest I don't have the energy to even try. I feel like I would have more friends in the Slytherin house if he didn't manipulate everyone into thinking I'm such a strange and easy person. Not only that, not a lot of people from other houses are willing to be my friend because I carry an automatic stigma on my shoulders for being in such a problematic household

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