A new problem

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Hello again, i'm honestly astounded that so many people actually like this book and the other x reader. School has just been a lot right now and just complete writers block, also I've been watching new anime, so procrastination. Hoping that I can start getting into it again and post once a week (possibly). Thanks again so much -Light


You bounded into the cats with so much force that you slid into a wall with three of the cats. All of them collectively meowed in happiness seeing you, ¨Why the hell is she a kid?¨ Allen questioned looking over to Arthur who was in charge of the magical bobby traps.

¨Oh, I guess she just..happened to find one..¨ he said in complete guilt, he didn't want you of all people to find one. Of course he was glad you got the age malfunction one, even if he didn't remember putting one anywhere.

¨Cats! I finally found you, we need to get out of here.¨ You said picking up gilbert, in response he snickered to the rest who were hissing at the situation.

starting to make your way out you ended up letting the cats lead the way, of course they knew the way you thought to yourself which was strange but went with it.

Sounds of the men could be heard all over the house, and all of you quietly crept through the house, at this point you were behind a couch on the second floor as the cat discussed something you couldn't understand.

¨Where's the portal?¨ Ludwig said keeping a lookout along with Feli and Kiku.

¨Uh probably where we put it dude, the bathroom.¨ Alfred said strutting his way out into the open to lead the way to the supposed portal that awaited them.

¨There you are!¨ 2p Italy yelled and grabbed at alfred who hissed in response, all the others kinda just stayed quiet hoping not to be seen. you know better him than us they thought, of course you wouldn't allow it.

¨Put him down!¨ you charged at him and kicked him right in the leg, which did nothing but you caught his attention.

¨(y/n), you are in so much trouble.¨ he said angry at you for rushing off but a bit pleased to see you were all right.

¨You big stinker put him the f down.¨ you had not realized your vocabulary had gone accused, a bit more like a child. None of this matter because all you wanted him to do was to put Alfred down.

¨You girl, fine but you're coming with me.¨ he let go of Alfred, who landed gracefully on his feet. Then prompted to pick you up but there was a bit of an interference.

The cats had been formulating an attack and it was now in action. His 2p counterpart launched himself onto him and dug his nails into his pants making him yell out. Arthur and Francis then charged at his feet taking him down, the rest followed suit and started beating him up. Like they could do anything though, the worst anyone really did was allen who bit into his ankle.

2p Italy thrashed around trying to rid himself of the fluff balls but they kept coming, finally some of the other countries heard the commotion and in came russia and 2p canada to save the day.

Both of them looked to (Y/n) at first surprised to see her in this state but 2p Italyś cries made them focused on his problem first.

¨Now come on kitties stop playing around, yes?¨ Russia easily picked of five of them at the same time and threw them to the couch. You ran to the couch to check on them, meanwhile 2p Canada also flung cats around making you cry out in distressed.

¨Where is everyone else, have you not heard me yelling?!¨ 2p Italy yelled out frustrated as he finally got up.

¨First of all this is a giant fucking house, second you got beaten up by cats, and third shut up.¨ 2p Canada said shoving his finger into 2p Italys chest.

¨Ok ok, lets just get (y/n) and get the fuck out of here.¨ He said backing up and rubbing at where he poked him. As they continued to discuss the cats began to form again around you.

¨Let's go now.¨ Luciano said pointing with his paw at the bathroom.

¨You know we still have a week here..¨ Matthew said quietly as they began to head towards the door. (y/n) stayed behind with him petting him making him purr.

Invisible to everyone another person lurked in the shadows just watching eerily.

¨You are so cute.¨ (y/n) said petting the life out of matthew who was enjoying it, the others had finally opened the door and realized the portal was not there.

¨The hell! it's suppose to be here.¨ Allen said squinting to see if it was actually there, which it wasn't.

¨Oh wait, didn't we say not until a week.¨ Oliver piped up making everyone one oh, Matthew from the couch quietly said told you so.

¨Can't believe cats beat you up.¨2p Canada said making Russia laugh

"Shut up!" 2p Italy yelled becoming flustered at the embarrassing statement.

All of a sudden a yell could be heard, all heads whipped around to see the commotion. You had been scooped up by a cloaked person, you yelled out trying to free yourself. Everyone stood still not understanding what was happening.

"Hey let her go!" 2p Italy yelled ready to lunge forward.

"Who are you?" 2p Canada said following 2p Italy's motive.

The person laughed and pressed their fingers to your forehead making you go into a trance, you fell limp into their arms.

"Hey!" Alfred yelled his fur rising from his skin in anger.

"You don't really have to worry about that." The person said, which sounded quite familiar to everyone, "you should already know me." The person reached for their hood and pulled it down.

They all gasped seeing the person, and it was you!?

"What the hell." All three men said as the cats meowed in confusion.

"See you~" you said and reached for something in your cloak, throwing it down both of you were surrounded in a black mist.

They went rushing towards it but no one was their when it cleared.

"What was all that noise." Someone from outside called out, England and China came in and saw the three men and cats in a state of shock.

"What happened here?" China said waiting for a response

"We have a problem." 2p Canada said not really sure what happened

1p/2p hetalia x reader x 1p/2p nekotaliaWhere stories live. Discover now