The Polar Bonds: Chapter 8

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((Synopsis: Cameron informs Jo of everything he learned, and the two proceed to head into the fray.))

"Lady Jo, lady Jo!" Cameron shrieked, sprinting up to her throne, nearly collapsing from exhaustion at her feet.

As he kneeled down before her, he tried to control his breathing, to no avail. Jo sprang from her chair, grabbing her trusted advisor by the shoulders and shaking him impatiently. "What are you talking about? What's the matter with you, Cam?" She asked, keeping her grip tight and her voice strained as she tried to remain calm.

"The others are back at Northwestern. I brought back Scott with me, he was seriously injured. Lightning is attacking Northwestern and Brick sent me back here after he showed up with Zoey and," he kept rambling on, stumbling over his words and forgetting to breathe.

Jo's head perked up at the mention of her partner and her rival. She interrupted his thoughts, mostly concerned that he would suffocate himself. "Brick is close by? With Red? LIGHT-HEADED IS ATTACKING NORTHWESTERN?"

He nodded shakily, "Yeah, and Scott's hurt and the Northeast are in shambles!" "Yeah, yeah, we'll fix that later. It doesn't matter as much to me right now," Jo replied bluntly, locking eyes with Cameron.

"Where is Brick?" She insisted, Cameron's small form trembling on his knees. Jo's chest stung a little, as she moved closer to him and she wrapped her toned arms around him.

She tried to be comforting, it being a little harder for her to pick up due to her nature. Her first thought was to try and sync their heartbeats, or in retrospect, slow his down. They sat in silence, enveloped in their robes and lost in their own minds.

Finally, after a while of calming each other, Cameron whispered, "You've come a long way these past few days, my lady." Jo smirked to herself, chuckling slightly at the compliment, "I knew I'd get it, I always do."

Cameron laughed quietly, after all, it was a typical Jo answer. She followed it up, however, by admitting awkwardly, "Especially since...I had such great help."

The week before, the two polar opposites spent hours upon hours together, trying to come up with the greatest training regime to ever torture even the strongest of soldiers. Three days later, at the exact time Brick arrived at the North Castle, Cameron and Jo took a stroll through the castle gardens.

"Good call on the obstacle course, Brainiac. I didn't think that you could be so malicious!" Jo complimented her advisor, patting him approvingly on his head. Cameron chuckled lightly at the compliment, a minor hint of guilt in his eyes. "I learned from the best," he said, Jo, smirking proudly at his answer. "You sure did, kiddo."

They arrived in front of a fountain, the Queen casually leaning up against the edge. She brushed her hand against the cold rippling water, watching the fish and turtles roam underneath. Cameron stood beside her, staring in awe at the scene before him.

"It's peaceful, isn't it Nerdling?" Jo inquired, her voice flowing calmly. Cameron eyed the water joyfully, the wet lines on the surface dancing with the breeze. He nodded, "Yeah, it looks so calm."

The sun peaked out from behind the clouds, shining on the water and reflecting its light off of it, right into Cameron's eyes. He hissed defensively, panicking. While he did so, his glasses slipped off his face and into the fountain, making a small splash.

Jo grabbed his wrist, trying to hold him steady as he rubbed his eyes from the exposure. "Aw...not again," Cameron groaned, taking notice to his missing glasses. Jo watched Cameron sink down, his back leaning against the marble fountain wall.

She sighed, rolling up her sleeves and shoving her cape out of the way. Her arms plunged into the water, avoiding the marine life as she searched for the pair. Her eyes glossed over the area until she finally spotted them.

Jo dug her hand into the dirt, successfully retrieving the glasses. She huffed in relief, swinging her cloak back. Her hand gripped the soft fabric as she balled it up and wiped the lenses clean. She lifted it into the light, watching in satisfaction as the glass glinted in the sunlight.

"Hey, Cam," she said, kneeling down in front of her comrade. He looked at her, his stare blank and distant as he tried to make her out. "Yes, Jo?" he asked warily, his eyes scrunched up. Jo smiled, her face softening as she carefully placed his glasses back his face.

Cameron blinked a few times, his mouth curving into a grin as he adjusted his spectacles. Jo reached a hand out to him, supporting his weight as she helped him to his feet. "Thank you, Jo!" Cameron said gratefully, shoving his hands into his pockets, and Jo just nodded.

They exchanged some plain smiles, rising up from the tiled floor. Cameron wobbled while he restored his footing, making Jo giggle a bit. She patted him on the back, "Come on."

Cameron glanced back at her with a confused look, "Where are we going?" he inquired as they made their way to the throne room door. Jo lifted her right leg from the ground, swiftly kicking the door open.

She exhaled, eyeing the broken slab of wood that lay by her feet, turning to her nerdy comrade, who barely even flinched this time. Jo grinned at him, an air of pride growing from her expression. Cameron beamed at her as they walked down the hallway, and she said;

"Cameron, my man, we're going into the eye of the hurricane."

*Words: 925*

((YEAHHHHHHHHH MORE FRIENDSHIP. Seriously, if I could get at least a few more sparks of friendship from them in the next season, that'd be great. ☆~Kay))

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