December 10th

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TRIGGER WARNING: Starts with a torture scene. Not all too graphic, but just read at your own risk. :))

December 25th

The room was dimly light with three candles, one pine scented and the other's just there for the ambiance. The smell of pine is her favorite candle. Was. Not anymore. Blood trailed down the bed from an unconscious woman wearing a green sweater and blue skinny jeans. The sweater was pulled up her arms, exposing one of the many origins of blood. Her right wrist was cut, slowly bleeding out. She had suffered a blow to her head.

On the other side of the room, to the darker side, a man with blood down his hands and a red sweater that matched the crimson falling from the woman on his bed tapped his watch, looking back up to watch her slowly die. To slowly drift off.

Revenge. As he says.

For cheating.

For using me.

For lying to me.

For loosing my son.

Torture. She says.

I don't love you.

We were never happy.

It was the only way.

I wish I had my son, too.

He pushed himself off the wall, back to the bed. The man in a green sweater sat at the end of it, shaking the woman's foot, "Wake up, Emma. We're not done," he let go, grabbing a first aid kit that sat next to Emma.

She opened her eyes, looking back at him with the faintest glimpse of anger. She has nothing left. She's empty, "Please, just let me die," she sobbed.

He pressed a cotton ball against her skin. She tensed, watching him carefully, "What fun would that be?" Neal hovered above her, he lowered his nose close to her's. His lips pressing against her blood stained one's. She didn't react, mouth pressed together. It's the best she can protest.

"I want to die," Emma whispered to him, brows narrowed in a plea. Every bit of her felt as if it was about to implode. Neal's nose bounced

He shook his head, "What would I ever do without you, Swan?" His teeth gritted at the nickname, imagining Killian saying it to her with love. Running his hands down her sides and kissing her lips. The lips that belonged to him. Him twirling her gorgeous locks in his fingers. Fuck him. Fuck Emma Swan.

They both won't survive Christmas, anyways.


The smell of a pine candle lingered in their kitchen, mixing with freshly made pancakes and spilt orange juice. The counters were covered with flour and paper towels, a dirty pan and plastic plates. A happy, newly unengaged couple sat across one another at their table with a blue table cloth covering it.

Yellow rose flowers in a clear, modern vase sat pushed to the side courtesy of Killian, his reasoning being that he, "wasn't able to see the most beautiful thing in this room". Emma had smirked as if she was a teenage girl and that was the first compliment coming from her crush. She had kicked his foot and giggled.

"I don't need to see a therapist," Emma rolled her eyes, turning back to her breakfast and shovelling a piece of pancake into her mouth. A small tan line flashed where her ring used to be. She frowned, looked back down at her food and avoided his eyes. Well, she tried to. They connected again, a shy blush creeping up her face.

He tilted his head, pouting slightly, a smile plastered across his face, "Please? Give it a shot?" Killian's hand reached across the table, taking Emma's in his and holding it still, "For me?"

The doorbell went off and they separated, jumping lightly and pushing their chairs back. They haven't told anyone they've called off the engagement, and aren't sure how they'll be able to explain it to their small friend group. Emma made sure to not be obvious, grasping her ring in her fingers and sliding it on behind her back.

Mary Margaret and David bursted through the door. She wore an oversized sweater and dark blue jeans. David clutched a pink bag stuffed with white tissue paper. It was large and the gift most definitely didn't fit the bag. Emma and Killian left the bar stools, meeting them in the foyer with bright smiles.

"Hey!" Emma's mouth pressed ear to ear, looping her hands around her back and shaking the two of them side to side. Killian took the present from David, nodding a thank you and sitting it down against the wall. A miniature card looped around the string read, FROM: Aunt Mary Margaret and Uncle David, TO: Evelyn Millie Jones, with a tiny heart after her name.

She gets to come home in five days, ten days before Christmas. She'll be a month and fourteen days. Killian has everything prepared. Her coming home outfit, the bow to match it, plus a onesie that coraghraps with the outfit just in case. He's forced Emma to take an infant CPR class with him, just in case. And they've both practiced how to place the carseat in the seat correctly and safely, and he's seen her every single day.

Killian turned back to his best friends, catching Emma's hand and tensing slightly.

Putting that ring on Emma's finger was the second best time of his life, next to meeting his daughter. Vibrations of excitement had fallen through his body as it fit snugly on her pale ring finger. The way she smiled when it was on. The way that every kiss after that was different. That was his fiancee kissing him. Just like when they became official, that was his girlfriend kissing him. Now? After he got a taste of what it was like to kiss someone that you know you'll spend the rest of your life with? That's nothing to kissing your girlfriend. But, this is what's best for Emma. And what's best for Emma is best for him. If she can't handle this right now, that's okay.

It only makes him hate Neal more. With everyday his anger grows, making him want to foam at the mouth. For him to be able to do that to Emma just shows the kind of person he is. The scum of the earth.

"I'm glad you guys came over, we actually need to talk to you..." Emma started, fidgeting her hands and swaying back and forth. Killian did the same, looking down at the tips of his shoes and trying his hardest to push back his real feelings.

David was just as anxious, looking over to check on his wife, "We do too, actually," Mary Margaret spoke up, pressing her hand against her stomach, "Evelyn might have a friend to join her in nine months," she watched both of her friends, hoping for them to share the excitement inside of her.

Emma was the first to jump up and down, to Killian's surprise, "That is... amazing! I'm so happy for the two of you!" She crossed to hug David, "You're going to be parents!"

Killian smiled, "Congratulations!" He patted their backs, squeezing Emma's hand and shaking his head lightly, telling her now is not the time.

She'll just have to push down his feelings, just like him. 


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