21: Perhaps...?

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Levi swears that he will do anything to change Eren's mind on children. Yes, kids can be gross. They create mess and usually drool or let their snot run down their face, but they're also beautiful.

They bring fond memories and responsibilities that is never had before. Raising someone to become something brilliant has always been a dream and Levi desperately wants to share it with Eren. If he can just make Eren realise that kids aren't the demon spawnlings of the world, then his heart will be opened and maybe in their future, a baby will be part of it.

"Chin up, Eren." Levi sighs at the twenty-two year old man that's moping like a teenager. "Just meet some of the kids in the orphanage. It's a great way to get used to the idea of children."


"Stop acting like it's the most horrible idea in the world. Just at least try... For me?" Levi pleads and glances to Eren who sits in the passenger seat of the car. The younger looks back at Levi who wants this more than anythng. Eren nods. He can't say no to that face. Levi wants it so he should at least give it a chance. He can do that much.

The Mercedes Benz pulls into the orphanage and already Levi sees a few kids playing on the swing set, one he recognises as Lucas. He can't even hide the smile he has when he sees all of them playing together happily. There's Lucas, Touka and Ayato playing together. Those are the three that had been arguing the previous day so it puts a smile on Levi to know that their issues have been resolved.

Just staring at Levi now, Eren sees how much he wants to have one of his own. Why does it feel like his chest is tightening? He has only doubt for what Levi has planned, but if he didn't try then that makes him the coward. He won't become that man.

Levi gets out of the car and Eren follows. Immediately, the three kids Levi had seen before run up to the raven.

"Levi!" They all shout. Touka runs into the open man's arms and is lifted into the air as she giggles.

"Hey there. Miss me?" Levi asks and the three kids cling onto him. Levi makes his way for the building, Eren following and observing closely at how Levi interacts with the small human beings. Tiny hands rest on Levi's shoulder and the other two young ones hold onto Levi's shirt.

'Well they're small... that's one thing so far...' Eren sighs. Before they walk into the main hall, Levi turns and pushes Touka into Eren's chest.

"Hold her for a while. You might end up liking it." Levi says and gives Eren a small comforting smile knowing that the younger obviously has mixed feelings. With a sigh, Eren lightly smiles back and looks to the girl who stares back with wide eyes. The kind of look that says 'why the hell did he give me to you?'

Another sigh. She's only around six years old and already she's judging Eren with every ounce of her body.

"Levi! You're back!" Farlan greets and after a few exchange of words, Farlan looks over to Eren. "Ah. Nice of you to join us today." He says with a small teasing smirk. Eren huffs and just walks around the main hall with Touka in his arms.

"So, how'd it go, Big Bro?" Isabel asks, coming around the corner with a blonde girl beside her. "This is Hiname by the way."

"Pleased to meet you." Levi says politely with a nice smile before changing his attention back onto his friends. He glances to Eren who has Touka screaming and pushing Eren's face away. The look on his face says that he wants to drop her. Instead, however, containing his anger he let's Touka down onto the floor gently and she runs away. After kicking his shin.

Levi can just see his younger boyfriend's body fuming and wanting to say some colourful words to Touka. But he doesn't and kicks a block instead. Which hits a boy in the face  and he ends up crying making Eren panic.

Mr Jaeger and his Charming EX Teacher (Sequel) (ERERI FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now