Even though I was doing my best, my sight started to blurry and Lovino's shouts went deaf to my ears. I gulped down the lump in my throat and succeeded in keeping my eyes open until I can't anymore. I felt my heartbeat decrease, but I still did not admit conquered. Instead, I held onto grasped onto Lovino's hand and squeezed it tightly, trying to ease my pain somehow. 

I felt my eyes started to close, 'No! No! No! I need to live...I...I can't die! If only I could so somet---', I interrupted the battle in my head as I thought of something incredibly ludicrous but brilliant. 

Putting the last bit of strength I had on top of each other, I whispered, "Turn us back in....", I stopped my demand, a smirk covering most of the underside of my face, "...time.", I finished before everything went black. 

------------400 years later--------------

It had been years since I had last turned back time. The reason why is still unknown to me. I don't understand how I would cast such a forbidden spell. If it weren't for that nobody remembered, I would've been beheaded. But luckily, the spell worked and I'm alive. 

At the moment, I was in the human world, peacefully walking through a field full of tomatoes. In my point of view, it was incredibly large. Whoever planted those must really like tomatoes. And to be honest, I didn't know how I got here in the first place. I was basically just walking around and taking in the surroundings before I ended up here. 

My thoughts got interrupted by a loud voice booming from behind me, "Hey! Ragazzo!", I turned around, puzzled. In the distance, I saw a young man running my way with an aggravated look on his face. I waited, patiently; watching how he seriously needed to work on his condition. 

After a while, he finally made it in front of me, panting. He raised a finger, motioning how he needed to catch his breath first. I held a laugh in, trying to distract myself from how ridiculous he was. 

In a bit, he finally caught his breath and glared at me, "What are you doing on MY field!?", He questioningly yelled. 

I tilted my head, confused by his sudden outburst, "I was just passing by....?", I answered, wondering if he had some serious anger issues. 

"Pass by somewhere else!", He protested, trying to shoo me away. 

I raised an eyebrow 'cause of his illogical demand, "Excuse me?", I questioned, a slight feeling of offense in the back of my head. 

"Didn't you hear me, stupido!?", He squawked. He could match a bird if he tried. 

I scoffed and crossed my arms, "I'm lost, sir.", I lied through my teeth, wanting to agitate him even more. 

"Get lost a few miles away from here!", He argued, acting like a little child. 

I was getting pretty annoyed by his immature behaviour and decided to play the same game, "Oh really? Then you don't mind me doing this first...", With that, I stepped on one of the tomatoes on purpose. 

Completely angered, he spoke, "You. Did. Not.", In responded, I simply responded with a slight smirk, "Oh yes, I did~"

With those words spoken, I landed on the ground with him on top of me, trying to strangle the living crap out of me. I tried to push him off of me, with no vain. And so, our little catfight began.


We were both in the guy who literally tried to kill me's house. A man who seemed to be Spanish ended our little fight with a lot of difficulties and brought us both to his shared house. Right now, he was treating our wounds. I had a huge bruise on my neck and a few were on my face while the man with anger issues had plenty of scratch marks on his face and shoulders. Our eyes met and I poked my tongue out at him, swiftly looking away. 

"You-----!", He began, getting ready to strangle me again. Luckily, the Spaniard stopped him from getting close to me by holding him back. It took a few minutes, but he finally calmed down. 

After a while, the Spaniard was done treating our wounds and announced with a happy smile, "Done!"

I huffed before standing up and brushing off my clothes, getting ready to head for the door, "Ah? Leaving so soon?", The Spaniard pouted, frowning. 

"Yeah, I don't feel that...welcome.", I told him, glaring at the Italian man who was still sitting down on the couch, hissing at me. Flipping my (short/long) hair, I opened the front door and was about to leave, till I spoke with a loud voice, "(M/n). (M/n) (L/n).", Having no idea why I introduced myself. I just felt the need to. Plus, there's a big chance that I'd never see them again. 

I left the house but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a voice sound from back inside of it, "Lovino Vargas..", I smirked before walking off, having the need to come here more often to annoy that 'Lovino Vargas'. 


Ok, I know this was pretty rushed and short but eh, deal with it. Anyway, are there any more characters you'd like an ending off 'cause I'm kinda in a ditch. Hope you enjoyed, cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now