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As the two werewolves were still in thoughts by the witch technically asking the both of them out for a date, the young witch suddenly realised something and let out a loud gasp, "Where's my besom!", He literally screamed throughout the whole room.

That seemed to snap the two werewolves out of their thoughts. Gulping, the American decided to reply, "Umm...We might have forgotten to bring it with us...", At that, (M/n) let out a dramatic gasp. In no time, (M/n) was up from the bed and started stomping to the door, but then he realised that he had literally no idea where his besom may be 'cause he didn't know the way back. 

"Umm, guys...", He whispered, still angry but also a little embarrassed, "Mind bringing me to my besom?", At that, the American and Italian quickly stood up and yelled a small, "Of course!", before glaring at each other. 

With no words, the three of them made their way back. Although, (M/n) was a little confused as to why students looked at him in fear. 

'Who knows.', He thought, shrugging. 

After a while, they made it back and (M/n) quickly ran to his besom, giving it an enormous hug, "Aww, my baby, I'm so sorry for leaving you again!", He apologised, snuggling closer to his besom. The two werewolves would hate to admit it, but they were kinda jealous of the attention the besom was getting. 

"Alright. So, are the both of you ready to go?", (M/n) asked, now sitting on his besom. 

"Sì.", Luciano spoke while Allen only nodded. With that, the two of them started walking as (M/n) flew next to them.

After a while of walking, Allen questioned, "Must be nice flying around everywhere, huh?", Envy laced his voice. (M/n) gave Allen a suspicious glare, hissing at him before mouthing, 'mine'. The American didn't seem to have noticed (M/n)'s behaviour, as he continued, "So, I was wondering---"

"Nope, your fat ass will break it.", (M/n) hissed, pouting. 

Allen gave an offended gasp before responding, "You're mistaking me for porkchop! I'm not fat, I'm muscly!"

"Porkchop?", (M/n) asked, confused. 

"Alfred.", Allen replied, serious. 

There was some silence before (M/n) burst in laughter, almost falling off of his besom, "Oh my god! Porkchop!? Pfft!", He laughed, holding a hand in front of his mouth. Allen felt a little proud, seeing that he made his crush laugh. Of course, Luciano felt excluded and coughed a bit in jealousy. 

"We're here.", Luciano said, frowning at how lovey-dovey his rival and the witch were acting. (M/n) stopped laughing and awwed at the side in front of him, it was truly mesmerising. 

"This place is beautiful!", (M/n) yelled with stars in his eyes, completely entranced by the sight, "No wonder Lovi wanted to show me this...", He said, more to himself, but the other two heard him anyway. 

"You mean that stupid ragazzo that was with you?", Luciano questioned, a little jealous. 

(M/n) give Luciano a tiny glare and crossed his arms, before responding, "He's not stupid."

Allen looked confused and a little left out, so he asked, "Who?"

"Nobody.", (M/n) answered, walking towards the side of the waterfall, sitting down and resting his legs in the water as he let out a relaxed moan. The Italian and American blushed, before sitting right next to (M/n). Luciano on his left and Allen on his right. 

(M/n) closed his eyes, feeling at peace. He swung his legs, hearing Luciano mutter about how his pants were completely soaked. Out of nowhere, a thought crept up in his mind and opened his eyes with a glint of mischief in them. Sneakily, he reached his hands out and pushed Luciano in the water. A very 'manly' shriek came out of his mouth as he quickly swam up, glaring at the witch who was laughing along with Allen.

Hungry for revenge, he pulled (M/n) into the water with him, laughing evily. (M/n) gasped for air as he clung onto the Italian. The two of them started splattering water at each other, enjoying themselves. (M/n) looked sideways, seeing Allen still on the surface, looking at them with a look full of amusement and a tiny bit of jealousy. (M/n) nudged Luciano, moving his eyes to Allen. In no time, Luciano understood what he tried to say and the two of them started swimming towards Allen.

"Fuck no.", Allen warned, glaring. The two of them simply grinned as they pulled the American underwater. Soon enough, Allen swam back up, glaring at the two of them. They reacted by splattering water on him, "It's on!", Allen warned, smirking.

With that, the three of them had a waterfight, oblivious of the eyes that were watching them.

"I'm definitely getting this on camera~", The figure said, grinning like an idiot.


Here you go, another update. Just so you know, my laptop is still a dead piece of shit but I'm trying. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now