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I glared at the Italian in front of me as I grabbed him by his collar, "Look at what you did, dipshit! (M/n) is unconscious and it's all because of you!", I blamed him, even though I knew that it was the fault us both.

"Me!?", He began, his mouth opening wide in protest, "It's your fault! If you didn't interfere, none of this would've happened!", He shouted right in my face, pushing me back. 

I huffed, pushing him back, "Don't put the blame on me! If I remember correctly, you were the one who has been asking for (M/n) for the PAST THREE DAYS! You're an obsessed freak, face it!", I retorted, angered. 

He growled and was about to shout something back, but got cut off by Kuro holding him back, seemingly very annoyed. He gave us both a glare before saying, "I've never met a creature as shameful as you two.", He began, throwing Luciano on the ground, which surprised us 'cause he never fought back to the Italian. 

"(M/n) just passed out because of your disgraceful fighting, and you simply continue!?", He spoke in a loud voice, anger lacing in it, making it obvious that he was annoyed by our childish fights. 

Kuro sighed, holding his head in his hands, "I'm done with your attitudes...", He groaned, walking away but not before giving us one last glare. 

"Pfft, boss, jou done fucked up.", Lutz mocked, letting out a loud laugh as he followed Kuro. I looked back in front of me, resting my gaze on the ashamed Italian on the ground. 

Frowning and clutching my head, I mumbled out, "I--I....Fuck...Shit! I-I hate to like say this, damnit...But, we gotta apologise...Jesus Christ, fuck this shit!", I completely despised feeling vulnerable; definitely with my rival right in front of me, even though he was in the same state as I was. 

Luciano slowly stood up, not daring to look into my eyes as he walked off, in the direction of the infirmary. Ashamed, I walked behind him at a medium distance from him to not make things awkward. 


We were now in front of the infirmary, gulping as Luciano opened the door. We saw (M/n) laying on one of the beds with the nurse right beside him, giving the witch a pitying look as she put a wet cloth on his forehead. I coughed a bit, trying to catch the nurse's attention, which worked. 

"Yes?----Oh, it's you two.", She greeted in a displeasing voice, "Are you here to cause more trouble?"

"N-No, we just wanted to apologise...", I answered, since Luciano wasn't willing to. 

"That's new.", She hissed, glaring before sighing, "But I guess if you must...I have to head to the conference room anyway, don't try anything funny.", She warned before stomping off. 

I sat down on the right side of the bed, while Luciano sat down on the left side, "So...I guess we wait..", I spoke throughout the silence, finding it very awkward. Again, Luciano didn't even spare a glance at me. 

But then he spoke, "If I touched him now....Would I die?", He asked, seeming to be lost in thoughts. 

"...What are you planning?", I asked, warily. 

"I'm done with people saying that I only cause harm...I-I can also be harmless...", He sniffled, tears at the corner of his eyes which surprised me, I had never seen him in this kind of state. 

"So, if I touch him...I'll prove that I would never intentionally cause him any harm!", He yelled, his voice wavering a bit. Slowly, he reached a hand out to touch one of (M/n)'s cheeks. He lowered himself a bit, his face only inches away from (M/n)'s. I hate to admit it, but I felt jealous. In the past few weeks since the witch has started the stay here, I developed feelings for him. But it was obvious that some others had too, like Luciano. By now, Luciano's hand was only less than an inch away from (M/n)'s cheek. Till...

"Boo.", (M/n) spoke as he slowly opened his eyes, raising a brow at the Italian that was only inches away from his face. Luciano jumped as he quickly moved backwards, blushing a bit. 

"Jeez...All of that just to see if you were harmless or not...", (M/n) said in a questioning tone, his eyes on Luciano who blushed even redder. 

"Y-You heard all that!?", He stuttered out, embarrassed. 

"Yup.", (M/n) chuckled before grinning, "I found it kinda....Cute.", He admitted, making Luciano almost faint and me extremely jealous. I scoffed, crossing my arms while looking away. 

"So...What are you two here for?", He asked, confused. Immediately, I turned as red as Luciano, hating to apologise. I remember apologised to (M/n) one time, but that quickly went downhill. 

Suddenly, Luciano burst into tears, not only surprising (M/n) but also me, "M-Mi dispiace! I-I am so s-sorry!", He cried out through sniffles, completely losing his dignity. 

Feeling my own tears well up, threatening to fall, I quickly apologised as well, "I'm sorry for our childish b-behaviours!", I apologised. 

"What?", (M/n) questioned, completely confused, "What are you two apologising for?"

"I-It's because of our stupid fight you fainted!", Luciano explained while I rubbed my eyes. 

The witch suddenly burst into full-blown laughter, while Luciano and I shared confused glances. Even though I felt kinda offended, seeing that we had just apologised and that was his reaction; I was happy to see him laughing. Soon enough, he stopped. 

"Wow, that was a good laugh. Anyway, did you really thought I would faint for something as stupid as that? I admit, you two were hella annoying, but I'm not a weakling. I kinda just felt lightheaded and fainted.", He explained, chuckling a bit, "I never thought the school's bad boys could be such a babies~", He teased, making us both open our mouth in protest. He shushed us by placing both his index fingers on our lips. 

"Hush~ Say no more. It's a secret between the three of us.", He soothed, grinning. Luciano and I both shared relieved looks before smiling. 

But, our smile soon turned upside down as (M/n) spoke the next words, "I never said I accepted your apology, though..."

"W-What!?", Luciano and I both yelled at the same time. 

"Yup. You two acted like immature brats and a simple 'I'm sorry' won't change anything. Unless...", He began, giving us a teasing look, "...You bring me to the waterfall my dear friend had been talking about."

Without thinking twice, we both answered, "Yes!", willing to do anything for him just to forgive us. 

"Alright, it's a date then!", He grinned, giving us a look that held mischief. Both our jaws dropped. I looked at (M/n) and thought, 'Is this the best day of my life?', Before looking at Luciano, '...Or worst?'


I had fun writing this chapter, I turned them both into softiesss. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now