~Luciano ENDING~

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(M/n) POV

I saw Luciano, holding some throwing knives. He seemed to have thrown one of the throwing knives through the man's skull, resulting in his quick death. Backing up against a tree, I held my massive wound. There was simply no way that I was going to survive this. 

"(M/n)!", He yelled, running towards me. He kneeled down next to me and took a look at the wound I had. His eyes started to water and he tried, but no one words left his mouth. 

"Y-You're going to make----", He began, but I cut him off by placing one of my index fingers on his lips. 

"No. We both know I'm not going to make it...", I whispered, quietly. I then let out a hiss when my wound suddenly started to sting. Tears fell out of Luciano's eyes as he broke down right next to me, his back against the tree. 

"I-It wasn't supposed t-to be this way...", He spoke in between hiccups, "We were supposed to l-live happily ever after."

"Some thing's don't go as planned, Luci.", I laughed, coughing up some blood. 

"B-But....", He couldn't get the words out of him. His lips started to curl up as he tried to stop himself from sobbing. He looked my way, pulling me closer as I let out a wince. His eyes didn't leave mine as he slowly let his lips meet my lips. Closing my eyes, I kissed back. The kiss was full of emotion, mostly sorrow. I didn't dare open my eyes or pull away or even listen to the various shouts and screeches in the background. I was completely focused on the kiss and Luciano. Nobody and nothing else. 

After a while, I pulled away, having lack of air. I leant forward and coughed a whole lot of blood while Luciano looked extremely panicked, holding me like his life depended on it. Or more likely, my life. 

When I finished, I leant back against the tree, trying to catch my breath. In the meantime, Luciano looked at me with an aching heart. Softly, he caressed one of my cheeks while confessing, "I love you. And I wasn't lying when I demanded you to become mine."

Giving a weak smile, I bumped my head into his as I stared lovingly into his magenta eyes, "I love you too.", A relieved smile made its way to Luciano's face, although there was some pain in it. With that, the two of us leant forward again, our lips against each other. This time, it was a rough kiss. It was a kiss that proved how much we loved each other. Tilting my head a bit, I deepened the kiss while Luciano held my waist, careful of my wound. In a bit, I pushed Luciano away, heavily trying to catch my breath. My wound was aching incredibly painfully by now, it hurt a lot. 

"You've changed me so much...", Luciano told me, shaking his head with a weak smile, "In a good way.", He reassured. 

"Well, I'm glad I changed you....In a good way.", I mocked, choking a bit on my blood. 

"Take it easy...", Luciano said, holding my head as I coughed out some more blood. Suddenly, I felt another presence beside me. Turning my head, I looked up and saw the black figure with the scythe. 

"It's time.", It informed. I suddenly started to feel very lightheaded as my heartbeat started to decrease, meaning I had only a few minutes or seconds left to live. 

"(M/n)?", I heard Luciano ask, looking at me with a face full of panic. I flashed him a weak smile, not being able to utter a word. 

"(M/n)! Hang on in there!", He cried, holding me tightly in his arms. He started shouting various of assuring things as he tried to keep me alive. I knew I was going to die. I knew that they were out there fighting and dying for me. But, I can't change it in any way possible. 

'Wait...', I thought, thinking back to the words the black figure uttered. 

'Time...Time is the answer.', I thought, feeling even more lightheaded. 

With the last of my strength, I whispered, "Bring us back in....time...", Suddenly, a black smoke started surrounding everything and everyone. Luciano looked confused as he looked around him. Pulling on his tie, I made it so we were looking into each other's eyes. 

I then spoke, "May we meet again.", With that, everything turned black. 

----------------400 years later-----------------

It had been years since I last turned back time. The reason why is a big blur to me. But, whatever it was, it must've been important. I had also separated the humans from the witches so that now the humans don't even know that witches exist. 

At the moment, I was in Italy for a change. I had talked about it with my family and they agreed. I was now walking through some streets, simply out because I wanted some air and peace. Suddenly, a nice smell rang through my nose. I looked next to me and noticed a good looking Italian restaurant. 

"I guess I'm a little hungry...", I spoke to myself, entering the restaurant. Inside, it was as chic as it looked on the outside. 

"Impressive.", I complimented, walking towards the cashier. Luckily, there was no one in line. 

Hoping she speaks English, I asked, "Table for one, please.", feeling a little embarrassed that I'd go to a restaurant on my own. It was usually the perfect place for a match to go. But whatever, it's not like I'm ever going to fall in love. (A/n: If you're Italian or can speak Italian somehow, act like you forgot it when you turned back time.)

"Right. There's a two-seated table free on the window side. A waiter will be coming as soon as they can.", The cashier spoke in a bored but friendly tone. 

"Thank you.", I thanked, walking towards my assigned seat. Making it there, I sat down and looked through the menu. After a while of thinking, I decided to just go with some spaghetti. Nothing too classy. 

"E 'occupato questo posto?(Is this seat taken?)", A man suddenly asked me. 

Looking up at the man, I questioned, "Excuse me?"

"I said; Is this seat taken?", He asked, once again, but this time in English. 

"No, it isn't.", I told him, taking in his appearance. He was definitely Italian, that's for sure. He looked pretty handsome as well. He had nice looking auburn hair and flashing magenta eyes. Taking in his clothes, he seemed to be rich. 

Using my detecting eyes, I took everything in about him and then continued, "If you don't shoot me, at least."

He looked taken aback as he sat down and questioned, "Why would you think I'd shoot you?"

"It's obvious that you're a member of the mafia.", I laughed, a smug look on my face. 

He seemed a bit agitated but replied with, "Very well. But, it isn't you I'm after. I'm simply taking a break."

"Well then, Mr Mafia. My name's (M/n) (L/n), pleasure.", I introduced, giving him a playful smile. 

"You know it's pretty dangerous to tell a member of the mafia your name, right? Or even worse, the Godfather?", He mocked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm not scared. I could take you down anytime.", I mocked, watching his eyes flash. 

"We'll see about that, (M/n). Luciano Vargas at your service.", He purred, introducing himself. After he introduced himself, a waitress came and took in our orders. I had to admit, I was interested in this man. 


Does anyone have an idea on who I should do next? I, to be honest, am still pondering on who. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now