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Soooo some deep stuff happened in the last two chapters:
1.) Chris is trying to make Iris forgive him. He's going to sing a song to her, but he has no idea what to sing.
2.) Axel "cheated" on her with Elaine. AGAIN!!
So, without further ado is the next chapter in "My Coldplay Story." Enjoy.

Lyrics to Clocks:

 The lights go out and I can't be saved

Tides that I tried to swim against
Have brought me down upon my knees
Oh I beg, I beg and plead singing

Come out of things unsaid
Shoot an apple off my head
And a trouble that can't be named
A tiger's waiting to be tamed singing

You are
You are

Confusion never stops
Closing walls and ticking clocks
Gonna come back and take you home
I could not stop that you now know singing

Come out upon my seas
Cursed missed opportunities
Am I a part of the cure?
Or am I part of the disease? Singing

You are
You are
You are
You are

And nothing else compares
And nothing else compares
And nothing else compares

You are
You are

Home, home where I wanted to go, home
Home, home where I wanted to go, home
Home, home where I wanted to go, home
Home, home where I wanted to go, home 


-Iris's POV-

     I wake up at about six am in an uncomfortable position. My arm is behind my head, and I can't feel it due to the blood that is lost and my leg is draped over the couch. Some hair is stuck in my mouth and I carefully wipe it away and tuck it behind my ear. It's been about two days since I caught Axel with Elaine, and I haven't spoken to him since. 

It hasn't been difficult keeping this grudge. I just avoid him whenever possible. For example, he'll cook dinner and I'll take it and eat in it another room. He tried talking to me before, but he gave up after a day. Now, the house is filled with silence. 

     i hear the creaking of the stairs and I can tell Axel is awake, knowing that he's the only person in the house besides me. Unless he chose to have Elaine come over, that's a possibility. I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep and I hear him walk in the room. I smell coffee, and I hear him as he takes a slow sip, first blowing on it to make sure it's not too hot. 

     "I know you're awake." He stated and then took a sip of the warm coffee.

I didn't respond, instead I turned over and looked up at him. He was wearing blue plaid pajama pants and a gray t-shirt with stains from the spaghetti we had almost a week ago. I pulled the blanket over my mouth, refusing to say anything as he sets the mug on the glass table next to him. 

     "I've made a mistake, and I'm not going to lie about that. It was a dumb mistake, but it was a huge misunderstanding." He squats, so he is eye level to me. 

I sigh and sit up on the couch. My shirt is pulled up a little, from the tossing and turning, so a tiny part of my stomach is shown. I don't smile or say anything. Instead, I sigh and place my head between my hands. I let my elbows dig into my knees and I try to piece together what I'm going to say—if I'm going to say anything to him. 

     I look over and finally break the silence, "You must've thought that you were the shit. I mean, two girls both had the hots for you and you had both of them wrapped around your finger."

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