Square One

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Well, well, well. Look what we have here? A heartbroken Iris, a guilty Chris Martin and a satisfied Phil Harvey. Welcome to the drama of My Coldplay Story. Let's see how this works out....

Lyrics to Square One:

You're in control, is there anywhere you wanna go?
You're in control, is there anything you wanna know?
The future's for discovering
The space in which we're traveling

From the top of the first page
To the end of the last day
From the start in your own way
You just want somebody listening to what you say
It doesn't matter who you are

Under the surface trying to break through
Deciphering the codes in you
I need a compass, draw me a map
I'm on the top, I can't get back

The first line on the first page
To the end, at the last place
You were looking
From the start in your own way
You just want somebody listening to what you say
It doesn't matter who you are
It doesn't matter who you are

You just want somebody listening to what you say
You just want somebody listening to what you say
It doesn't matter who you are
It doesn't matter who you are

Is there anybody out there who is lost and hurt and lonely too
Are they bleeding all your colors into one?
And if you come undone as if you've been run through
Some catapult, it fired you, you wonder if your chance will ever come
Or if you're stuck in square one


 -Iris's POV-

     I can't believe him. After all that we've been through.

     Why invite me at all if I'm such a "distraction?" I officially hate that word, "distraction." The sound of it disgusts me. It's as if someone is in the middle of chewing their food and they just spit it out. He wouldn't have this album if it wasn't for me! I came up with majority of the ideas for Mylo Xyloto. He just had to write the lyrics! I can't believe him, using me—manipulating me like that! What a lame excuse. I know it's for something bigger. Phil probably convinced him. I knew he disliked me from the minute our eyes met. 

     Phil's a nice guy, and I understand his point of view. If I were in the situation, I'd probably do the same thing! But, I'm not mad at him. I'm mad at how he put it. I'm mad that he couldn't think of anything smarter than "distraction." Blimey, I hate that word.

     However, despite the unfortunate events, I am thankful. Not many people get to attend these kind of concerts. In addition, they must of cost a fortune and I got them for free! I'm glad I got to experience it.

     But, I'm basically back at square one. No apartment, no job, nothing. I'm gonna have to start looking for somewhere to sleep immediately when I get home. I'm going to have to snap back to reality, away from the fun times I had with Coldplay. At least I had a great time while it lasted.

But, that little, bloody twerp ruined it all.


     I get on the plane as fast as I can and sit in my designated seat. The plane is the same vehicle used to transport me to where the concert was. But, where I'm sitting is different. I'm in the lower class, economy. There are more seats and the space is tighter and stuffier. There is barely any leg room, but the benefit is that it's cheaper. I'm stuck between a twig-like woman and a huge man who seems to have a rough day. 

The man takes out a music related magazine and places it on the table ahead. The woman fixes her hair and then squints to look at the cover.

     "...Coldplay, huh? Musical geniuses." She remarks.

My head shoots up in astonishment. Must they be on a magazine at this time? I turn my head to get a better view.

     "May I?" I extend my hand and grab the magazine when he nods his head.

The magazine is bright, full of vivid color, with the guys plastered right on it. They're faces are all serious, except for Chris's who looks like he started to burst out laughing at the last second. Typical. The subtitles are the usual, "50 ways to make yourself look younger!" or "need new styling tips? Turn to page 42 for help!" until one catches my eye: "Is Coldplay making a comeback?"

I slap the magazine back on the table as if it was an insect crawling on my hand. The other passengers look at me curiously and I flash a smile in order to direct their attention away from me.

     The woman laughs, "A comeback? It's not like one of their songs or albums ever got bad reviews."

     "This album looks a little too mainstream, have you heard of that 'Every Teardrop is a Waterfall' song? It's similar to what the kids listen to these days." The man protests. 

     "It may sound the same, but they have a unique style. Plus, their lyrics are more meaningful than they sound. It's better than the songs about how to treat women are." 

I cover my ears and sink down in my seat. Everywhere I go it seems like Coldplay's spreading! At first I didn't even know what the band was! Now, it's on every lamppost, every building, and in every vacant spot! 

     "For once! Can we please, stop talking about Coldplay? I hear about them all of the time and it makes me go crazy!" I yell.

     The man turns to me and frowns, "It's not like you've ever met them before."

     Then, I explode, "Well, yeah! I did! And you know what happened? I had a swell time until Chris Martin, the big shot of the band, decided to call me a distraction and to ditch me when I came up with most of the ideas for his album!" 

The two passengers on the aircraft raise an eyebrow, as if I were crazy, and I don't blame them. I wouldn't even believe it. I sink lower and lower into my seat, realizing I made a huge fool out of myself, and stare out the window. 

The clouds range from thin to puffy, like cotton candy, and the night sky gives it a mysterious tone. I lean my head against the window, and my eyelids start to close. 


     "Ladies and gentleman, the aircraft is about to land. Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing." The flight attendant's voice startles me and I jolt up in my seat. 

     The passengers beside me give a questionable look, and then return to whatever they were originally doing. I knew the second I got off of this plane, I needed to figure out how to get my life back—how I'm going to buy food and where I'm going to live.

I feel the gravity pulling on the plane and i grip onto the sides. When the seat belt sign goes off, everyone scrambles to get off of the vehicle.

     While picking up my luggage, I realize I do have an option of where I could live. It's a terrible option, and I'll probably regret it at the end, but it's only temporary, isn't it?


     I take a deep sigh and stare at the door to Axel's, the guy who broke my heart, apartment. Finally, when I work up the courage, I knock on the door.

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