Bigger Stronger

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Coldplay got a concert tour! Woohoo! But, Iris couldn't confess her undying love for Christopher Anthony John Martin.  


A/N: Sooo, what did you think of the last chapter? Pretty epic... right? What do you think is going to happen next? Do you think Iris and Chris would make a cute couple? So, just sit back... relax... AND READ THE STORY!!!!!!!!!


 Lyrics To Bigger Stronger:

I want to be bigger stronger drive a faster car

To take me anywhere in seconds 

To take me anywhere I want to go 

And drive around a faster car 

I will settle for nothing less

I will settle for nothing less

I want to be bigger stronger drive a faster car

At the touch of a button 

I can go anywhere I want to go 

And drive around my faster car 

I will settle for nothing less 

I will settle for nothing less

I think I want to change my attitude 

I think I want to change my oxygen

I think I want to change my air

My atmosphere

I want to choke

I want to be bigger stronger drive a faster car

To take me anywhere in seconds 

To take me anywhere I want to go 

And drive around my faster car 

I will settle for nothing less 

I will settle for nothing less

I think I need to change my attitude 

I think I want to change my oxygen

I think I want to change my air

My atmosphere

I want to choke

Bigger better

Bigger and better

Bigger and better

Bigger stronger drive a faster car

At the touch of a button 

I can go anywhere I want to go


-Chris's POV-

     Coldplay. On tour. My dream has come true.

    Our band has been on tour before, but this is all around the world. Oh, the numerous places I could go to! Paris, New York, or even Madrid! The sight different equipment on the stage, the lights, the energy, and the people have always excited me, and now we finally get to have that moment. The stage will finally be ours... Thousands of fans, coming to watch our band perform. Screaming, and chanting our name... Coldplay. 

When Phil told us about the tour, my heart went from a steady beat to a raging one, rampaging so fast that it was about to tear through my flesh. Hot tears welled up in my eyes and streamed down my face. It was a dream, only I couldn't wake up, and I didn't want to. I was just so happy, my band, my manager, and a dream that was finally going to come true. 

And then there was Iris, begging me to listen to her for one spare minute, and I didn't listen. I was just too ecstatic and in my own fantasy.

But, one thought keeps repeating over and over in my mind. What did Iris want to tell me?

I remember her face, pale with red cheeks. Her tugging on my shirt, begging me to stay for at least a minute, but what Phil Harvey had to tell us was majorly important, so I had to push her away. Who knew that it would be that important. 

The fact of going on tour makes me apprehensive, although few things still thrill me. The fact of seeing all of your most devoted fans, the lights, knowing that you are lucky to live this wonderful life, being apart of a band you love excites me. But, what about the money? How much will everything cost? How are we going to get our fans' adrenaline pumping for the next hour and a half without loosing that spark of energy? But, one thought makes me shudder.

What about Iris? 

How am I going to protect her and give her a place to stay while she is gone? She could possibly stay at our house... But, I'm not sure if I can trust her with our possessions. 

     I sit cross legged on the blue rug in my room, looking at different band magazines and dreaming that one day, Mylo Xyloto will be on the cover. I stare as other bands/singers like Billy Joel, Florence and the Machine, and Ed Sheeran are put on each page. I let out a deep sigh as someone knocks on my door.

     "Come in." I say in a monotone attitude.

The door creeps open and standing there is Jonny, holding two glasses of champagne. He joins me on the floor.

     "Well, I propose a toast," Jonny says as a smile comes across his face.

     I chuckle, "Jonny-boy, this may be the best thing that has ever happened to us."

Our glasses clink together and I begin to drink the champagne slowly, feeling the bubbly sour taste run down my throat. 

     "So, uh, what did Iris want to tell you?" Jonny plays with his fingers.

     The glass and my lips part, and I swallow down the leftover drink, "I don't know... she didn't really say."

      "Oh," Jonny takes a sip, obviously hiding something.

     "What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

     "Nothing, it's just she needs to talk to you soon."

     "I don't have enough time, I have to figure out this whole touring thing. Which cities we are going to go to, the staging, what songs, the usual stuff.

Jonny bites his lip and continues to chug down the champagne. I still suspect something is going on, the way Jonny takes off and puts on his hat again. I raise an eyebrow, but there is so much tension that he tries to change the subject. 

       "The Beatles," he says with a smile spreading across his lips, "Great band." 

       "Do you think we will be in magazines?" I ask him, a certain urge in my voice.

       "After this tour, hell yes." He laughs.

       "Yeah, we'll be famous world-wide."

       "Chris," Jonny places his hand on my shoulder, "We are already famous world-wide. Why do you want more power? Has fame possessed you?" he chuckles.

       "No, it's not that. I want to be like them." My finger points at Paul McCartney.

       "The Beatles? Well, we are British..."

       "No, bigger, stronger."

       "What? Chris, you aren't making any sense."

       "Bigger, stronger. I want to be bigger, stronger, drive a faster car." I sing from one of our EPs.

       "All bands want to be like that."

       "True, but we will be even bigger. Even stronger after our performance."

       Jonny grins, showing all of his teeth while pouring champagne in each of our glasses, "I can't wait for that opportunity. Cheers to being even more bigger and stronger than ever before."

Our glasses "clink" as they lightly tap against each other. 

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