Up With The Birds

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I have so many ideas for this story! But I never get a chance to update! This is one of the "spur of the moment" ideas because I needed something to do for Iris's POV (for some reason I mainly enjoy Chris's POVs). So, read, comment, vote, and fan! Promote this story to your friends who love Coldplay! Haha, okay.

Bye, AspriningAuthor101

P.S: For those of you who ship Buckin, there's a reference! ;)


Up With The Birds Lyrics:

The birds they sang

The break of day

Start again I hear them say

It's so hard to just walk away

The birds they sang

All a choir

Start again a little higher

It's a spark in a sea of grey

The sky is blue

Dreamed that lie til it's true

Then taking back the punch I threw

My arms turn wings

Oh those clumsy things

And then I'm up with the birds

Might have to go, where they don't know my name

float all over the world just to see her again

but I won't show or feel any pain

even though all my armor might rust in the rain

A simple plot

But I know one day

Good things are coming our way

A simple plot

But I know one day

Good things are coming our way

Oh yeah!


-Iris's P.O.V-

     My feet tap against the ground as they stomp along to the beat. The rhythm of "In My Place" by Coldplay blasts through my ears, sending adrenaline down to my legs and feet. Since I hang out with them, I thought that I should try to listen to some of their music. I'm never really that type of person that would just sit down somewhere and multitask while listening to an artist, but I figured that I would start today. The clouds block the sun, giving the atmosphere a dark shade of grey, and the color of my maroon T-shirt sticks out. My heart races as Will plays the drums and Guy and Jonny's fingers race up and down the frets. Chris's voice rushes in my head, making me drift off and making me unaware of my surroundings. I run into an empty parking lot by the bay and lean over the cement side. The waters are calm and not disturbed as I feel the brisk cold air rush on my skin. 

     "Iris!" Somebody calls out to me. 

I turn around and see Jonny, with his army green cap pulled over his head and he pulls his navy shirt up to his face to wipe off the beads of sweat. 

     "Oh hey!" I say, surprised that he found me.

     "I didn't know you were a runner. I expected you as the couch-potato type." He chuckles.

     I laugh along beside him as his arms brush against the side of the wall, "I do run! Just, not a lot..." I admit.

He laughs while taking off his hat and resting it beside him. I look at him and suddenly raise an eyebrow.

Was he following me?

I don't want to be rude, so I don't ask the puzzling question. I would expect Chris to follow me on a run. Chasing me with countless Mylo Xyloto ideas. But, I'm kind of glad that it was Jonny rather than Chris. I need someone who won't be on your back all of the time. 

     I bite my lip as I ask the question, "Were you... following me?" I ask, my eyebrows pointing upwards.

     "No. I didn't even know you were out!" He says while laughing.

     "Are you sure? You seem pretty suspicious to me!" I giggle while yanking his hat off of his head.

It takes awhile for him to realize that his head is exposed to the world. He stumbles towards me, trying to grab it from my hands. I hold it up high, low, in the middle, and then a big gust of wind blows.

His hat flies away.

We try to stumble towards it.

It falls.


Into the bay.

And lies ontop of the water as if it were going to sleep.

My eyes widen as it falls into the water and Jonny looks down in sadness.

     "Jonny! I—" I choke out words in order to apologize.

     "Iris it's fine—" He cuts me off.

    "But Jonny, that's your hat! I thought that you loved your hat!" I apologize.

     He smiles. "Iris. It's fine. I have many others." 

I stare blankly at the water below. I admit, I did overreact about the hat a little. He stares at the birds above him and sighs.

     "Chris and I would always come here after a long run. The birds would sing, like a chorus, and Chris would always stand on the edge of this and act like a bird." Jonny laughs.

     "Has he ever fallen?"


We both laugh and I realize something, Jonny spends a lot of time with Chris...

     "Are you guys in... like a relationship?" I ask.

     "No, it's more of a bromance. Our fans came up with it. They entitled it as 'Buckin'." He makes gestures with his arms.

We both laugh and fall on the ground. Once again, he looks at the sky.

     "The birds they sang, break of day. Start again I hear them say, it's so hard to just walk away..." Jonny sings.

      "What song is that from?"

      "Oh, nothing. I kinda just made it up on the spot."

      "It's perfect!"

      "Thank you...?" Jonny questions.

     "For Mylo Xyloto! It can be in your album!"

      He jumps up realizing what I have, "You're right!" He starts jogging away. "I'm sorry to abandon you, Iris! I really need to talk to Chris! He may have some excelent ideas!"

      I chuckle, "it's okay. I'll see you later!"

He's gone in an instant, leaving behind me and the birds. The birds sing and fly while circling around me. One lies next to me, it's white head lighting up the dark surface of the ground. I smile and the bird seems to grin back. I just thought, how easy it would be to just join the birds! Ditch everything at the present moment and just fly and glide away from the past. I liked living with Chris, but I felt like I was breaking the bond of Coldplay. But, they all seem to enjoy my company, so I stay. Once again, I look up at the crystal blue sky and hum Jonny's tune.

A simple plot, but I know one day, good things are coming my way...


A/N: This probably isn't my best chapter... but I hoped you enjoyed it anyway!

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