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So, that argument kinda sorta broke my heart.
I know this is a bad time, but I'm trying to think of a ship name for Chris and Iris. #Chris would be good, but that's already one of the names of the characters and so is #Iris.
So... who are your OTP's (One True Pair? Mine is Sizzy from the Mortal Instruments and I like Whit and Janine and Wisty and Byron from Witch and Wizard.
And with that, enjoy the chapter.
PS: sorry if it's a bad chapter (cause it maybe really bad)
PPPS: Sorry if the song has nothing to do with the chapter :/

Lyrics to Gravity:

Baby, it's been a long time coming
Such a long, long time running
And I can't stop running
Such a long long time

Can you hear my heart beating?
Can you hear that sound?
'Cause I can't help thinking
And I won't stop now

And then I looked up at the sun and I could see
Oh the way that gravity pulls on you and me
But then I looked up at the sky and saw the sun
And the way that gravity pushes on everyone, on everyone

Baby, when your wheel stop turning
And you feel let down
And it seems like troubles
Have come all around

I can hear you heart beating
I can hear that sound
But I can't help thinking
And I won't look down

And then I looked up at the sun and I could see
Oh the way that gravity pulls on you and me
And then I looked up at the sky and saw the sun
And the way that gravity pushes on everyone, on everyone

On everyone
On everyone
On everyone
On everyone


-Iris's POV-

     After Chris and my argument, I hear a pitter patter of footsteps come down the stairs. It was Axel, and he was wearing jeans with a navy blue short sleeved shirt. He sees my face and is troubled, I can see it in his eyes. He stops for a second, and then rushes over to me.

     "Iris! What's wrong? Are you alright?" He grabs my arms and seems panicked.

     No. "Yeah, I'm fine." I wipe my eyes.

     "Are you sure?" His eyebrows form a "U" and his eyes stare directly into mine.

     "I'm sure." I walk away.

     He follows me into the other room, "I heard you and some guy talking outside. Who was he? It sounded like he was causing you trouble."

     My heart drops, and then I answer, "No one important."

     "You know," He kneels down to my level, "you could tell me anything. Who was he?"

     "I told you, he's none of your business, and you don't have to worry about anything." I flash him a smile, but he still seems anxious.

     "I don't want you to get hurt." He says as I pull away from his grasp.

     I walk to the other room and open a can of diet coke. I take a sip, feeling the fizzy bubbles rush down my throat and cross my arms.

     "Do I look bruised to you?" I ask.

     "No, but I can always tell when you're—"

     "I'm fine." I cut him off.

I grab the can of coke and walk outside. Chris is no longer there, but I still feel a presence. However, it's just Axel who came to join me on the steps. He places an arm around me and I sink into his brown jacket. He smells nice, as if he just showered and places his chin on top of my head.

     "I hate people. They're so cruel." I sigh.

 Axel laughs and I feel his heart bearing at a somewhat natural pace.

     "I'm going to get us some coffees from The Queen's Café. If you want to you could come."

      I put up a hand, "I'm okay. I'll stay here for a bit. But, can I have a latte?" I ask.

     He winks as he walks away, his brown eyes gleaming, "You got it."

I stare at Axel as he walks away, the brown curls on his head, and the way his arms move along his sides with each step they take. Normally, right now I'd be telling myself to stop, and focus my head at something else so that I wouldn't develop any feelings for him. But, at this point I didn't care. I lived with him long enough and he's actually a nice guy. I just don't want to get into our romance yet, like he does. 

     I don't even understand why Chris bothered to come back and apologize. I don't forgive easily! What makes him think that I'm going to forgive him and then go back to his band to be rejected again? I know, Axel did something despicable, but I kind of had to forgive him in order to move in with him. However, now that he's not so bad, I'm never crawling back to Chris. He has Jonny, Guy, Will, and Phil. I don't have that many people in my life to turn to. Before, it was Axel. Then, Chris. Now it returns to Axel.

     Trust is a funny thing sometimes. You really think you can tell someone everything and they can either tell everyone or not say a single word. It's almost as if you were standing on the edge of a cliff and there was someone behind you, but you trusted them not to push you into the falling rocks below. I still think Chris is pretty trustworthy and he could trust me, but I can't trust him after what happened at the concert the other day. 

     I hear the sounds of footsteps hitting against the sidewalk and notice that Axel is walking with two coffee cups in each hand. He sips the one in the right, so I take it thhat mine is on the left. He smiles and hands it out to me and I notice that there's a huge coffee stain on his shirt. 

     I laugh and point out to his shirt, "You have a little... something."

     "Yeah, I noticed that after I walked out of the store. Apparently, someone had to spill their drink as soon as they sat down when I walked by." He tries cleaning it off and then notices the latte in his other hand, "Here." he hands it to me. 

     "Thanks." I say and walk inside, "You should get changed." I suggest with a smile.

With that, he runs up the stairs and goes into his room. I sit on the couch slowly drinking my latte and I feel the warm foam touch my lips and pour into my mouth. The coffee taste runs down my throat and around on my tounge. 

He comes into the room with his shirt over his shoulders and pulls it down. He sits next to me on the couch and places his strong forearm around mine. He caught me staring off into the distance and looks at me.

     "Are you sure you're okay?" He says.

     "I'm fine." I smile and look at him. 

We both have a moment where we just smile at each other. The happiness from his face seems to build inside of me.

     "I feel like something brought us together. Like, as if we were destined to have another chance. Something like fate, possibly?" He asks and raises an eyebrow.

     "Well, I'm not sure about fate. But, gravity pulls us down on the earth, and it is a small world after all. We just happened to find each other first. I guess we are lucky that gravity exists. It could really pull two people together."

     He smiles and we clink lattes, "I'm glad that gravity pulled us together."


Then, I have another sip of the warm drink. 

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