The Escapist

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Hey guys. This is italicized for dramatic effect. Lol. So anyway, as you know, "My Coldplay Story" has been entered into the watty awards and I REALLYYYY need your help! I need you guys to recommend this story to people, to read it, to vote, to comment! Publicity is VERY IMPORTANT in the wattys and so is support. So please, if you know people who like Coldplay, get them to READ!

In addition: wouldn't it be awesome if a Coldplay fanfiction won the watty awards? It's a big stretch from the one direction fanfics you'd see every. single. day.

Thanks, AA101


Lyrics to "The Escapist"

And in the end

We lie awake

And we dream

Were making our escape

And in the end

We lie awake

And we dream

Were making our escape


-Chris's POV-

     "Chris! Will you help me design the set! You've been doing nothing but sit around for the past three days! Now it's time to put it all together and you still wish to procrastinate!" I hear Guy yelling at me.

      The past three days have been a blur, the concert was approaching fast and I wasn't doing anything but daydreaming about what it would all look like in the very end.  I still hear the muffled voices of Jonny, Guy, Will, and Phil screaming at me about how I'm being a lazy bum. Even Iris was helping out more than I was.

     "Has Guy not been eating his food lately?" I laugh.

Everyone's face is stone cold and emotionless. It was like staring at a wall. 

     "Chris? Aren't you anxious? The concert is in four days and we have to get the set ready and to figure out which order we are playing our songs. We haven't even practiced much! Don't you see that we need all the help we can get?" Will slaps his hand to his forehead.

       "I'm coming, not to worry. I was just... deep in thought." I say calmly.

       "About what?" Jonny raises an eyebrow.

      I give him a look, "Let's not focus on that. What can I help out with?"

      "Design the piano. That was Iris's job but she hasn't touched it yet." Phil remarks.

I look over to see Iris staring at the piano longingly with her blonde hair tied in a bun and her white clothing not smeared with a single dot of paint. The paintbrush droops in her hand although she seems to be having a grip onto it. I get off of the couch and walk over to her. I place a navy blue apron around my neck and tie it around my waist.

     "Well, this is no good." I look at the piano disapprovingly.

I pick up a blue can of paint and lick my lips in thought. What to do with the piano? Iris continues to stare at the piano, she admires how new it looks. But if we kept it like this for the concert, it would ruin the theme. In addition, it wouldn't be... Coldplay.

Without thinking, I trow the can of paint onto the piano.

     Iris's mouth opens wide and her hands are placed on the side of her head. I hear a quiet shriek as she moves her head from me, to the piano, to me again. She comes up close to me.

     "What did you do?!" She screams, "You dumped a can of paint onto this beautiful piano and now it's ruined! Now we are going to have to buy another one for the concert! Chris! What has gotten into you?!"

I dip my finger into a can of green paint and place it up against her lips to make her quiet. She goes silent and then looks up at me. I smile and put my finger down.

     "That's the point. It's not supposed to look fresh and new. It's supposed to be colorful and eye popping!" I explain.

     She picks up the can of yellow paint, "So, like this?" 

She dumps the whole thing on the piano and laughs.

      "Exactly!" I reply.

We continue to paint the piano until it is coated with symbols and drawings. I see Iris giving me this malicious look.

     "It looks done," She says as she reaches for the purple can of paint, "but there is something missing..."

She's taking one step back and placing the can behind her back. I shut my eyes because I know exactly what's going to happen. I spread my arms out and scream "go ahead" and right as I say it, I feel cold, wet paint being splashed onto me like a waterfall. I open my eyes and rub the paint off of them, then I charge into her with a bottle of yellow paint. She screams and we crash onto the ground, getting paint all over our bodies. This reminded me of when we vandalized The Queen's Cafe. I remembered how hesitant Iris was when holding the spray bottle. However, now she's carefree and reckless with the paint. She doesn't give a care in the world.

     "I can't wait to travel with you around the world. Paris, New York, and Madrid! I'm so excited!" She exclaims.

Suddenly, I remember Phil's agreement.

     "Yeah, it's going to be a lot of fun." I play along.

     "How long until the concert? Isn't it months away?"

     "It's actually four days away..."

     She looks away, embarrassed, "Time does fly fast, doesn't it."

     I look up at the ceiling, "It sure does."


     Once the paint supplies are cleaned up, the band practices tuning and rehearsing the songs. I see Iris dance around while Phil is nodding approvingly. When we finish rehearsing "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face", Phil motions me outside.

     "You remember our agreement, right Chris?" He asks.

     "Yes, Phil. I remember."

He leaves me out in the hall and I think to myself, only four more days until my dream becomes a reality.

We lie awake, and we dream of making our escape.

A/N: Sorry, the chapter didn't have much to do with the song... but I just wanted to get to the next chapter, which is THE CONCERT! :) and PLEASE check out the important notice above! 

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