The exhausted brothers made their way out of the car and over to their mother.

She pulled them both into a hug.

"Have you grown?" She asked, surprised by how much taller they were than her. Then again she was very short.

Thomas shook his head.

"I mean I've grown but I think Laf is shrinking."

"Am not."

"Are so."

Their mother shook her head and looked past them to see the rest of the people coming out of the car.

She excused herself from her bickering sons who were arguing about something or other and walked over to Madison who was taking out their bags from the trunk.

"James, how lovely to see you, it's been so long."

Madison turned to her, smiling.

"Jane! How have you been?"

"Oh you know me, I'm everywhere and nowhere."

Burr, who was listening in looked confusedly at Alexander who was busy trying to tie his ripped shoelace.

He noticed her talking to Laurens and jumping in delight when she found out he and James were together before drowning them in hugs.

He noticed her make her way over to Alexander who he had kept close to his side since they left the car, he didn't really know anyone there that well but him; if he even knew him at all.

"Alex, look at you; my little genius."

Alexander faked a frown at the mention of his height but then smiled and hugged Jane Jefferson back.

He was always a parents' favorite.


After speaking to Hamilton for a moment, she moved over to Aaron who was standing as close to the van as he could, not knowing what to do with his hands, placing them awkwardly in his pockets.

"I don't believe I've met you before young man."

She looked over at Hamilton.

"He's handsome," she whispered loud enough for Burr to hear and sigh in relief.

Alexander walked over to them.

"Jane, this is Aaron Burr, he was my roommate last year; I invited him to join us."

Burr smiled his best nervous smile again.

"I hope you don't mind Mrs. Jefferson," he said politely, contemplating if he should bow or not.

He ended up deciding against it.

"Oh please love, call me Jane.
And we would never turn down the company of such a nice young man as yourself. Smart of you to bring him along, Alex."

"Thanks, Jane."

Burr's smile turned into a genuine one, Hamilton noticed.

"Make yourself at home, Aaron," she spoke before walking away.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad for Burr after all.

Maybe they really did want him there.


"Where's mom?" Jefferson asked as he came downstairs from his room. The other five were all sitting in the couch area either on their phones or laptops.

At least they went almost two hours in a car without them.

"She's in the car with Herc," Alex spoke without looking up from his phone.

Lafayette looked up at Alexander and then at Thomas.

"What?" He started, putting down his phone.

"I thought Herc was in my room or the bathroom or something," he finished, standing up and heading towards a window on the front side of the house.

"Wait, Mulligan's having a conversation with someone that's probably not about food... or school or those movies he's always watching?" Jefferson asked in disbelief, following his brother to the windows.

Alexander nodded

"Yeah, I don't think he's talked to a real adult since..."

The room went silent.

"Thomas?" Lafayette spoke after a while of them standing in the window and staring at their mom and Hercules.


"Is he crying?"

Thomas peered his eyes, only to see what his brother expected.

And their mother was holding him.

Lafayette grabbed his brother's arm and squeezed it incredibly hard before looking up at him worriedly and walking out the door towards the car.

1157 words

this chapter is soooo bad but I wanted to update

I'm sick (which is ridiculous as I don't have time to be sick at all)

and although being sick sucks it means I get time to write?

I'm starting to get writer's block again though (it's new and I don't like it)


A tale of two brothers; jamilton&mulletteWhere stories live. Discover now