"I'll wait downstairs while you get dressed." She says.

I nod, and she leaves. 


10 minutes later

These clothes look great, I grab my favorite pair of combat boots and put them on. I clutch my phone, the money my mom left me, my keys and stuff them all into the pocket of my jacket. I hate carrying purses and bags around, I usually just shove everything in my pockets. 

I head downstairs to the living room where I see Annie playing with my bunny. She looks up at me with a huge smile, "You have a bunny! Rabbits are my favorite animals." 

I smile at the adorable scene in front of me, "Yes, I actually got him yesterday."

"How cute, what's it named?" She asks.

"Gabe," I answer.

She smiles, "What an adorable name, and you look great. Looks like I did a good job."

I thank her, and we get up to leave. I lock the house door, and we enter her car and begin driving to the mall. 

A quarter of an hour later, we arrive. We didn't talk much throughout the ride, Annie was focused on the road, which is obviously the right thing to do. 

We wait at the entrance for her friends to arrive while she tells me about them so it doesn't seem too awkward when they get here. "So there's Cindy, Tyler, Aria and later, Julian will be joining us. Cindy may be spiteful at first, but once you get to know her she's great. Tyler is very playful, he likes to joke a lot, he's like an older brother to me. By the way, Tyler and Cindy have been going out since 8th grade. Then there's Aria, she's the sweetest, she doesn't talk much but she's fun to be around. Lastly, there's Julian. I've only known him for a while now, Tyler introduced us to him and he sort out hangs out with us every once in a while." She says.

"They seem cool, do they go to our school?" I ask her.

"Well no, they're actually -" She's interrupted by two hands which are placed over her eyes, "Guess who?" The owner of the hands says.

"Tyler I know it's you, you've been doing that ever since we were kids." She laughs and turns around.

"It's been a while, I've missed you guys. This is Violet, she goes to school with me. Don't scare her away." She says.

They all flash me a smile except for one girl, whom I suppose is Cindy according to the way Annie described her. I smile back, "Hi." 

"Hi, I'm Tyler. You must have heard a lot about me." He bows down and then pretends to hair flip.

I chuckle, "Indeed I have."

"I'm Aria." She steps forward and whispers in my ear, "You'll get used to Tyler eventually."

"Hey! I heard that." Tyler dramatically places his hand over his heart, pretending to look wounded.

I laugh again, as the last girl says "Cindy."

I smile at them, and then fiddle with my bracelet. Annie finally breaks the awkward tension and says, "So how about we have lunch? I know a great place." She offers.



"Glad you offered, there's a horror movie going on in my stomach right now."

Cindy only nods. 

We enter the mall and begin to walk to the restaurant. Cindy and Tyler are holding hands, while Aria is checking her phone. Annie moves closer to me and says, "So how's it going, do you like them?" 

"Yeah, they seem nice," I answer.

Annie nods as we continue walking. 

A few minutes later, Annie stops in front of a restaurant, "This is it, come on." We head inside, as the waiter greets us and guides us to a table. I sit down beside Annie, where Tyler and Cindy sit opposite of me, and Aria on the side. The waiter hands us the menus as we all look through them to pick our food.

I think to myself as I scan through the menu. I am having a good time, these people seem nice and I'm glad to be going out after a while of not having any friends. I just hope for once it stays peaceful like this.


hey guys!! Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you like this chapter.Please leave a vote if you do! Violet is finally socializing and going out, I feel like a proud mother. Excuse all the grammar mistakes, I always write in the middle of the night and post at that time too, so I don't always catch all the mistakes. 

School might be starting a week earlier than it is supposed to, so I'm not looking forward to that lol. I know some of you have already started, so good luck!! Anyways, have a great day everyone. Take care.


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