Gabriel's POV
I woke up to Sam crying in his sleep
I put my hand on his arm and shook it a bit
"Sam wake up...wake u-"
Suddenly his eyes shot open
"G-Gabriel..."he said crying
"Sammy...." I said quietly while pulling him into my arms "it's gonna be ok....what's wrong?"
"B-bad dream..."
"Shhhh....what was it about?"
"D-Dean left and nev-er came back..."
"Shhhh....Dean will come back,ok? It's gonna be ok...shhhh....its gonna be ok"
Sam finally fell asleep in my arms
"Sleep well Sammy..."I said looking down at him before kissing his forehead

Cas' POV
Dean and I were laying in bed together his arms holding me close
A small tear slid onto his shirt
This was the last night for a long time I would be able to fall asleep in his arms again
"Are you gonna be ok?"
"No! Dean....I'm not gonna be ok....I wanna act like there's no possibility of you leaving and not coming back but There's this voice in the back of my mind constantly reminding me of the possibility of your death...Dean....I can't live without you,and I haven't been able to since the day I met you...."
"NO DEAN!"I yelled starting to cry harder than before
"Cas....I know you don't want me to leave but I have to..if I don't then we both know Sammy will and...I couldn't live with myself if Sammy left and never came back knowing I could've prevented it..."
"Dean just don't leave..."
"Cas it's too late I'm sorry... but I already agreed to go...I'm sorry just come here lay back down...this is going to be our last night together for a while... just...come here ok?"he said obviously upset and regretting his decisions...
"Ok...just...don't be stupid when you leave ok?!" I said walking back the the bed and lied my head on his chest starting to cry again
"Honey...are you ok?"
"Y-yea...I'm just gonna miss you..."
"I'm gonna miss you too...."
"I know...I love you...."
"I love you too..."Dean said as I drifted off to sleep

"Hey...Cas wake up..."
He chuckled before responding "good morning to you too Cas...."
"What time is it?"
I sat up as fast as I could "what?! I thought you had to be at the airport by 5....why are you here?"
"I'm here because I couldn't leave y-"

"Cas...wake up we gotta go to the airport...."
I slowly opened my eyes,staring to cry,realizing it was only a dream
"Cas what's wrong..."
"Ok...."he said obviously not really believing it but went with it anyways because he knew I didn't want to talk about it

We got dressed and drove to the airport
Dean was the one driving because this was the last time he'd be able to drive the Impala for a while , after he left I would have to take care of the Impala....though I didn't mind to much because I knew it was one of his favorite things....
"Hey Dean..."Sam said once we were close enough
"Hey Sam, are you two doing?"
"Ok...."Sam said obviously Downplaying  how hard this was for him
" know I don't want this...don't make this harder" at that moment Rose started crying
"Dean...take Maya for a second" I held the car seat that was holding Maya out to Dean before walking to one of the seats behind Gabriel and Sam and set Rose's car seat down before taking her out and holding her "'s ok...." Rose and Maya had been talking more and more since their first words
"Daddy!"Rose shrieked while reaching out to Dean
"Dean I think Rose wants you to hold her...
"Ok..."he walked over and took Rose after setting down Maya's car seat "hey...shhh...It's ok Rose"
I just Smiled at the sight,because I knew this was the last time I'd see this because by the time Dean would come back home Rose and Maya would probably be in Kindergarten...based off of Dean's agreement
"Flight 247will be departing in 20minutes at gate 12" someone announced over the speakers
"Dean that's your flight we need to get over there"
We walked to the gate with the twins in their Car seats and John following the four of us
Everyone had said their goodbyes except for me
"Cas...."he said looking at me with Sad eyes "I know you don't want me to go but I have to,I want you to know I will love until the day I die and if there's a life after that I'll love you then no experience, no one, nothing can ever change that"
"You're a idiot..."
"I already knew all of that and I feel the same way about careful and come back to us in one piece ok?"
"Ok...I love you"
"I love you too..."I said
He looked at me sadly before pulling me into a kiss we slowly pulled away
"I love you" I whispered
"I love you too"
He kissed Rose and Maya's Foreheads before giving Sam and Gabriel a hug and Then one last kiss to me before turning and walking to the entrance for the plane,it would be a while before any of us saw him again...

_________________________________Hey Guys so I apologize for the ending but as soon as this goes up I will get to work on the sequel and when its up and I will post a new chapter with all the information for the sequel
anyways I hope you enjoyed this story and obviously it's not the end of this story but it's the end of this book...but don't worry a new one is coming k? it just might be a while...until then please go look into my other stories if you have already seen them then I recommend Spin the Bottle by @ashten14
By the way sorry for taking so long with this chapter

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