Hey Samshine

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(A/N ~~~Mary went off to serve in the army)
"Hi are you the Friends and Family of Sam Winchester?"the Doctor asked
"Y-yea..."Dean responded
"We believe he will be fine ok?"
"Ok! Anything else?"
"It might be a few days before he wakes up, and once he does he will need to stay a few days after...now our policy is if there's a debate on who stays then if they are married or engaged then whoever they are married or engaged to stays if they aren't married or engaged then a parent will stay if there aren't any parents present then a sibling should stay...so is Mr.Winchester Married or Engaged?"
"N-" I got cut off by Dean
"Yes he's engaged"
"Is his Fiancé present?"
"Yes!"he said gesturing to me
"Ok he is in room 1967 you can all stay until visiting hours are over them only one can stay..."
We all walked into the room before talking again
"Dean why did you tell him I was Sam's fiancé?"
"Well first of all Cas and I should head back home we can't leave John to take care of two infants for more than a hour or two...and...well...I think Sam should tell you the other reason himself..."
"John?! Newborns?! What did I miss?"
"Cas and I got married and adopted a teen named John and twins who are still infants"
"Wow! Congrats...maybe you could bring them tomorrow? Ya'know so I could meet them? I understand if you say no I'm a horrible example..."
"Gabriel we all love you! Ok? You're amazing! And don't worry we will bring them with us tomorrow!"
"K thanks! Well goodnight!"
Michael,Lucifer and Chuck stayed until they had to leave
After they left I just looked at Sam...not creepily just concerned
I was sitting in the chair next to the bed holding his hand "Hey Samshine...I'm sorry...for everything...I shouldn't have crashed your wedding I should've just shown up at your...wherever you and Ruby had been living...instead I crashed the wedding and now you're here...in the hospital...I'm sorry for everything..."I had started to cry because I knew I had messed up but I continued "I don't know if you can hear me...but when you wake up I'll tell you this again...Sam if you want me to leave I'll go...and I promise you can live your life and you won't ever hear from me again..I love you Sammy....but I'll leave if that is what makes you happy..."I closed my eyes and pulled my hands up to wipe away the tears but when I started to pull the hand that had been holding Sam's I felt Sam's grip tighten...I wasn't going to open my eyes I couldn't risk opening them to see Sam still asleep
"Gabriel...I'm awake...you can open your eyes"
I slowly opened my eyes to see Sam looking back at me
"D-did you hear all that...?"
"I heard every last word...and Gabriel I don't care what it takes to keep you here...ok? If I have to lock you up...then I will! But I won't lose you again ok!?"
"Sammy are you ok?"
"No Gabriel...do you want to know why I came to your house the night you left?"
"I have actually been wondering about that since the day I left...so sure"
"I came to propose..."
"S-w-what? Why?"
"Because Gabriel,I love you...always have always will...we may have rushed in but every time I so much as look at you I feel like I'm falling in love all over again..when you left I was so depressed it looked like I had just found out I had cancer and only had a month left to live...this is not how I expected to pop the question and I don't even have the ring with me but...Gabriel Novak will you Marry Me?...."he was barely holding back tears himself meanwhile on my side of the story if someone walked by they would assume someone had died because there were tears EVERYWHERE
"Y-y...no..."I said obviously disappointed
"If you didn't want to spend your life with me I don't understand why you crashed the wedding..."he responded obviously hurt
"Let me explain..."
"I want to say yes...I want to say yes more than I've ever wanted to do anything in my entire life...well other than spend the rest of the my life with you...the point is is that I won't say yes because you deserve so much more than me..."
"Gabriel if anyone deserves more it's you...you've been through so much and I wish I could tell you to move on from me but I honestly can't live without you...Gabriel...please..."he said giving me the sad puppy eyes...
"S-Sammy...I don't deserve you..ok? Just please stop making this harder on me ok?"
Instead of responding he just pulled me into the kiss
Of course I melted into it...not helping my case but Sam knew that this would happen...
"Please...."he asked his final attempt
"I hate you.." I said kissing him again
"Was that a yes...?"
"No! I'm going to murder you..."I said sarcastically "of course that's a yes!"
"Thank God..."he said smiling before placing his hand on a spot in the bed next to him"Can you sleep here?"
"Of course!" And with that I lied down next to him resting my head on his chest "I love you"
"I love you too..."
And with that we both fell asleep in each other's arms and we were happier than we had been in a long time...

As long as we are together Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt