Spin The Bottle (pt.#2)

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Dean's POV
The bottle slowly came to a stop...
Sammy's spin slowly came to a stop...
Landing on me...
"Okay... I'm his brother so.... re-spin"
"Nope that's not how the game works dean" Charlie says
"Dean it's just a kiss" Sam said obviously drunk
He wouldn't even remember this in the morning
And that's when Sam grabs my face and barely touches his lips to mine then I pull away
"Eww! Dude GROSS"
"Sorry it's the game" Sammy stated
"Yep Dean-o play the game"
Sam and Gabe started kissing
Oh... god
"K dean-o your turn"
I spin the bottle landing on Sherlock
We lightly kiss then continue the game
We continue this for a couple hours until everyone got tired

Sam's POV
"C'mon Gabriel let's get some sleep..."
"Mkay" a we both climbed onto the couch and drifted off to sleep

~time skip~

"Ugh..." I grown about to sit up before realizing Gabriel is still totally passed out over me
I quietly start humming heat of the moment smiling before pressing a soft and light kiss to his forehead
He smiles before looking up at me and opening his eyes
"Gabe... you aren't hung over?"
"No! I didn't drink last night it was all an act my moose!"
"Oh ok... well what happened..."
He told me the whole story is getting drunk, playing spin the bottle and not skipping the part where extremely drunk me brushed lips with my older brother
I think I'm going to be sick!!! And not from the hangover
"God, drunk me is a wreck!"
Gabe had already given me some Advil that's when I noticed the place was a mess!
And that's when John and Sherlock walked In obviously still a little drunk.

Sorry for the short chapter
But the last one was very long so...

As long as we are together Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ