Marry Me

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Sam's POV
Today was the day...
I stood, facing to doors that opened to the room where my friends and Family, but most importantly Gabriel were waiting and I was starting to freak out Bobby was standing next to my giving me away in place of John

The doors opened revealing Gabriel at the end aisle and he looked like he was in shock when he saw me
I started walking, with Bobby at my side down the aisle I reached the end and turned to face Gabriel looking down causing His gold eyes to meet my blue ones. Chuck began the speech eventually making his way to end "Do you, Sam Winchester take Gabriel Novak as your husband to love and cherish through sickness and health to the day you both shall die?"
I started to tear up still not breaking eye contact with Gabriel before answering "I do..."
"Ok. And do you, Gabriel Novak take Sam Winchester as your husband to love and cherish through sickness and health until the day you both shall die?"
I saw him hesitate before responding "I do, but before I want to say something...Sam... I will always think I'm not enough for you,that I don't deserve you,that you deserve someone who isn't as messed up as me...but I love you, and you practically begged me to stay so I can't say no..."
"Ok moving on...if there are any objections to these two being wed please speak now or forever hold your peace..."he waited a couple minutes before continuing "Since there are no objections I now pronounce you two Husbands,you may kiss now...
He started to lean in to kiss me before I stopped him and whispered into his ear "you will always be more than I deserve and there's nothing you could do to change that...I love you..." when I pulled away he was practically in tears until I leaned in and kissed him softly

We ate and danced together for quite a while before finally going to cut the cake
I stood behind Gabriel with my arm around his waist while he was holding the cake cutter
While we were eating the cake we started telling stories
"So..."dean began chuckling a bit "one night when Sammy was only about 7months old Mom told me to give him a goodnight kiss,so...I gave him a kiss on the forehead and said 'goodnight night Sammy' and he just spit on me..."
"Dean! You had to tell that story!?"
"Sweetie sound like you were a adorable baby..."Gabriel said before kissing my cheek
I just chuckled before kissing him
Next was Charlie "The first time I met Sam his face Said terrified 5yr old,he and I talked for a couple minutes before Gabriel ran up...I'm pretty sure the second they saw each other they knew one day we would be here together...I just want to say Congrats you two..."
"ThankYou Charlie!"Gabriel responded for me
Then that's when Castiel stood up and Gabriel and I both knew whatever was coming gonna be embarrassing, maybe not for me but definitely for Gabriel
"When Mom and Dad brought Gabriel home we was already a trouble maker...he would cry at the most inconvenient times and the second he could crawl he got into everything and don't even get me started on how big of a handful he was when he started walking"
The night eventually came to an end and we all went home, when Gabriel and I got home we got changed into some sweat pants and Gabriel put on a t-shirt (probably Sam's) and we crawled into bed together
I lied down first and Gabriel came and lied his head on my chest while tangling our legs together
We were silent before until I spoke
"Gabriel...dean is leaving tomorrow..."
"Yea...are you gonna be ok?"
"I will be...if he comes back alive and in one piece"
"He will be fine...k, Sammy? Just relax and'll be ok...."
"G-Gabriel....I know this is sudden but...I want kids...what are your thoughts?"
"Whatever you want Sammy...if you won't believe me that you deserve better then I'm gonna do everything I can do to make you happy..."
"So...what would you prefer? Boy or girl?"
"I want a girl but whatever you want k?"
"Ok! Whatever you want...I love you so much...there aren't even words to explain how much I love you..."
"I love you too Sammy...I wish I had more to say but I don't....all I have are those three words....that's all I can offer...I hope it's enough..."
"It'll always be more than enough..."I said kissing him before turning onto my side and pulling him closer so we could sleep

As long as we are together Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora