"That your little sister popped her cherry before you? Yes I know already." She said sighing.

"Dad!" I yelled. "Did you know!?"

"Well he came and asked me if it was alright to date your sister and I already smelled her scent on him so what could I do? He's her mate." He said standing from his chair to grab the one I had in my hand.

"But she's my little baby." I said crying and falling to the floor on my knees.

I know your probably thinking I'm being over emotional but I can't help it. My little sisters mean more to me than my own life. I love them till no end and I'd never want to see them get hurt or their hearts broken.

" Look Erin. I love Aaliyah. I would never hurt her. I know that me being with so many woman in the past doesn't show what I'm saying but I mean it. I'd cut my own heart out before I even see her upset let alone if I'm the reason for it. I promise." Tyler said kneeling in front of me looking me in my eyes.

"Okay okay. I believe you." I said sighing and he laughed lightly and hugs me.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much your approval is needed." He said sighing.

"If you even think about hurting her or cheating your gonna wish the devil himself was shoved up your ass burning your body from the inside out when I'm done with you." I whispered in his ear.

"I wouldn't even think it." He said looking me in the eyes.

"Alright well welcome to the family." I said laughing and getting up off the ground.

"I was already apart of it." He said cockily. "Ain't that right Cassie." He says, winking at my mom.

"Boy you want to die." My dad says holding my mom tightly by his side.

"Just a joke!" Tyler says, holding his hands up in surrender.

"So who's going to tell Colton? Cause I'm not. I love life." I said laughing.

"Tell me what?" Colton ask walking into the office with my sisters and Alex next to him.

As soon as he looked at Tyler starring at Aaliyah he went crazy. You think I'm crazy!! Colton threatens the pizza delivery boy when he ask Aaliyah what shed like on her pizza over the phone. He's worse than I am.

"ILL KILL HIM!" He yelled while holding Tyler by the neck.

"Why is everyone threatening me!" Tyler tried yelling.

"Why can I smell her scent on you?" Colton asked angrily.

"Colton stop! Were mates alright and he took my virginity!" Aaliyah yelled punching Colton on the back.

He growled loudly and pushed Aaliyah off of him resulting in her hitting the floor and Tyler throwing him into the wall and picking up Aaliyah making sure she was okay.

"Colton calm down!" I yelled into his face while Alex was holding him back.


"You will not talk about him like that!!!!" Aaliyah yelled while crying after she smacked him across the face.

"Now Erin has already talked to him. He has her blessing along with mom and dads but I will not take this disrespect towards him because of his past. He loves me and shows me respect. He's my mate whether you like it or not." She said seriously holding onto him.

Colton sighed loudly and pulled himself from Alex's grasped and walked over to hug Aaliyah.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have act that way. I just want you to be happy. It'll break my heart if you get hurt and I know I could have prevented it." he said still holding onto her.

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