Chapter Seven - Today

Start from the beginning

"What's this for?" He asked.

I snuck a peek at his face, trying to read his thoughts. His expression usually told all. At the moment though, his features were blank and confused. 

"I have to pay the hospital today." He narrowed his eyes and I quickly continued. I knew he'd object, so I had an argument prepared. "I know the deal was that I don't go anywhere but work and home, but I don't have a choice today. Will needs this. I don't have a choice."

We were now in the middle of my room. I went to grab the sack from Samuel, but he lifted it over his shoulder. Without another look my way, he headed for the window. I watched, a little surprised, as he closed it behind him. I hadn't expected to win this easily. 

Shaking my head, I slipped on my shoes and walked out of my bedroom. James had left not too long ago, so it was only my mother sitting in the kitchen next to our front door. I smiled at her, dodging the variously broken tiles leading to the kitchen table. 

I sat down for a moment, though I knew Samuel was waiting. This was the only chance I had to say goodbye. My mother took my hands in her own, watching my face. I avoided her gaze, suddenly feeling guilty. I wanted to tell her everything, but I knew I couldn't. If she had information she was withholding from James or any werewolf for that matter, she'd be done for. This way was better. Safer. 

Instead of voicing my innermost thoughts, I studied the rundown kitchen for a moment. The yellow wallpaper had faded and was now stained brown. The cabinets lining the walls matched the color, and the wood was splintering in every crevice. The stove and refrigerator barely worked, and the gray tile had too many pieces missing. Even though this place was barely livable, I would miss it. This was home.

My mom noticed my gaze and followed it. "I wish we could fix this place up."

I looked back at her and smiled. "Me, too. Maybe someday."

Silence fell once again, and I knew I was running out of time. I'd figured once this moment had come I'd know what to say. But, here I was, struggling to find the right words. 

"Mom," I began.

"What's wrong, honey?" 

I smiled. "I just wanted to tell you I love you." I hesitated, trying to find a way to let her know I wouldn't be coming home tonight. Or ever again. "I'm going to be working pretty late tonight, so I don't think I'll see you."

I trained my eyes on hers, hoping she would catch on. Her expression was calm until she met my intense stare. She was startled for a minute before she brought her brow together and frowned. I glanced at the door, watching for figures outside its window. I could tell she wanted me to elaborate, but I held a finger to my lips and shook my head.

"I have to go, but I love you."

I stood up, and she followed suit. We embraced each other and I held her tightly, probably tighter than I ever had before. I didn't want to leave my mother alone, but I knew neither of us stood a chance if I stayed. If I left, I could come back and save her too. 

When I pulled away, I could tell she understood. Maybe not the entire situation, but enough to know I wasn't coming home. Her eyes were slightly wet, and her hand was cupping her jaw. She nodded slowly, meeting my gaze.

Before I could start to cry, I turned away. "Bye Mom. Love you." 

I opened the front door and jumped down the steps, practically running away. I knew the farther away I was, the easier it would be. 

Without waiting for Samuel, I started walking down the sidewalk. I knew he would follow suit. Soon enough, I heard his footsteps coming from behind. By the time he reached me, I had my composure once again.

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