Beauty and the Beast

Start from the beginning

The being had small skulls hanging around its neck like a morbid necklace and it was barely clothed. All it had on was a loincloth. *Okay...a male. Or, I hope it's a male. Never can tell with some alien races* The slightly panicking human thought and raked her brain to figure out what species this was. Before she left Earth, she made sure to study at least some of the alien races that were known to man. There were a lot, but she could not for the life of her remember what race this was and it was getting on her nerves. Before she could remember what this race was, the male turned his head and she relaxed a tiny bit knowing he wasn't looking at her. But she felt her body lock up in fear and nervousness another alien stopped in front of her cage.

A female alien tilted her head to look down at Tarah and the human could sense annoyance coming from her. The alien turned her head to look at the male who was back to cleaning his sword. 

"This is the human female Boss wants to look at?" Tarah could not understand a word that the alien said but she sounded annoyed and slightly disgusted. 

The male nodded his head "Yeah. Tiny thing isn't she?"

"More like laughable. Look at her! Why does the Boss even want to look at her? There's nothing to look at! She looks so weak"

Tarah had a feeling that they were talking about her and not nice things either. The woman was a little offended but she didn't really want to say anything to those two, especially the female. She looked scary and looked like she could break the human in half...with her hands alone. That very thought made Tarah shiver in fear. *Yeah, I don't want to make these guys angry* 

"Did Boss send you to get the human?"

"Yes, I didn't want to come here. I was going to go train with the others but he insisted that I bring her here. Said that maybe another female would make the human calmer. By the way she's looking at me, that is a lie. Pretty sure she's more scared of me than you." the alien chuckled dryly then sighed and held out her massive hand and the male handed her the keys. 

"Let's go, human. Can't believe I'm wasting my time on you"


"So, this is the human? She's very...tiny" 

"She is, isn't she? Humans stare too much, it's annoying"

Tarah had a feeling that they were talking about her, she stayed quiet though because the alien that sat on the throne-like chair looked very scary and large. He did look relaxed though, he was slumped on his throne, one leg out while his hand held up his head. He was also wearing a mask but this one was a little different than the rest she had seen. The color was a deep red, like that of a prickly pear. Instead of the single black line across the eyes,  it was two eyes but they were dark so she couldn't see if he was looking at her or not. 

Tarah was terrified of what they were going to do to her and as the male looked at her, she stared at him with petrified eyes. The Yautja seemed to sigh and leaned back in his chair, leaning his head o his fist. 

"Keep her. It'll be interesting to have a human around here. Like a pet" 

Whatever he said, the female made a surprised and disgusted sound but seemed to hold her tongue. She nodded her head curtly and looked back at her. Tarah didn't know what she had gotten herself into, but she wished she was back on Earth.

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