Chapter 49

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The next day arrived and I had my ultrasound and I was so nervous, I couldn't believe that I was going to see the baby today. I seriously can't. I waited nervously in the waiting room with Shawn and my mum and o could sense that Shawn was scared too. The ultrasound was pretty quick and the baby was doing okay which was a relief.
The next few months were hard, but me and Shawn got through them. The baby was due any day now and Shawn still had to go a school which was horrible because I wanted him by my side. I was lying in bed when I felt a punch in my stomach. Is this what being in labour felt like? And it was the baby was coming. My mum quickly drove me to the hospital and I was in the bed waiting for the baby to come. "Mum! I WANT SHAWN!" I yelled. "Honey he's at school" my mum said. "Please" I cried. My mum looked at me and then got her phone out and left the room.
I swear to god this is the most boring science lesson ever. I could feel my eyes shutting when someone walked in the classroom. "Can we have Shawn it's an emergency" the lady said. Everyone looked at me because they too must of figured that Amelia was having the baby. I quickly packed my stuff and left. My mum drove me to the hospital and I quickly ran up to the room she was in. "SHAWN" she said. I ran over to her and held her hand. "How you feeling?" I asked. "Shit" she replied. The next few hours were hell, seeing Amelia scream in pain was the worst thing ever but soon our baby girl was born.
Me and Shawn didn't want to see the baby, we thought it would be best. Shawn laid on the bed with me and he of course was the big spoon. Someone put music on and it was the sea of love (song above).
I stood by a window looking in and seeing all the babies up for adoption. A nurse came out and looked at me with a smile on her face. "Would you like to see your daughter?" The nurse asked. I looked at my husband and we both walked in and held our daughter for the first time. I have a daughter and she looked beautiful.

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