23 ‹Spin off›

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Okay bitches breathe! BLOSSOM IS ALIVE



"Sorry for the incovenience. I mistook her as the girl on room 37. They are both on severe situation. Im really sorry"

The nurse left as we said it was fine and we also knew her.

I look at blossom again. She's still the same. Her eyes still the same.

I walked through her and ask her myself. "why did you do that?"

I was confused. No. I am confused. The fact that blossom is alive, and not dead made my head spin. Given the fact that ice is only a room away from here.

I feel so angered at the thought that she lied. Giving us all the confusement and leaving us all miserable, specially me and ice. And the thing is we almost died. Ice feel guilty, i felt guilty.

"Jungkook i wanted to escape.. " i gave back her glances. She's mad. No. She's furious. "Our parents were cold. Bella is depressed. I don't know jungkook. I lost confidence to fight, i lost something to hold on. And there you goes, i am sorry..  you know how sorry i am." she paused and gave a little laugh, smiled at me. And i recognize the familiarity on her smile. That is the friend i know. That's the blossom i know. "I thought i could hold on to you. I was so careless i didn't know im already dragging you down.. and my sister.. "

Someone knocked at the hospital door. And that's the cue for blossom to stop. She went in. Tears on her face. Blossom and i looked at each other, then she nodded.

"Blossom... "

Bella almost ran to her. Hugging her in the process.

"Such a cry baby" i swear i whispered that. But still i felt a sting on my shoulder because as an instinct she would slap me.

"Who wouldn't burst into tears if you saw those two people that you thought you already los--"

Blossom pulled her into a hug making her shutup. And i almost laugh at the scene because i can saw her face squished at her sisters boobs. hahahahahah.

"Bitcch shutup. " she let go of her then stared.. uhm glared at me. "Now jungsht, you better take care of my little sister before i pull you all the way to daegu and push you off a fuckkking cliff!"


Bella and i went to the police station after our hospitalization. I still couldn't get my heads of that someone who said i pushed bella. Who would fxkng do that? why would that someone do that?

That someone probably got a grudge on me.

"Dude chill out! You're not gonna be jailed" I rolled my eyes at her. God knows how much curious i am right now.

"Wow omygod did u just?!?!"

I smiled at her and tapped her head. hah. shorty.

"Your case hasn't been sent to the court yet because the said witness has not enough proof. We are still waiting for your statement" He led me through an interrogation room. Bella's watching while i was answering the officers questions.

Bella had got to request a file of information of that someone. The officers said that we could file a case against it for lying against law.

"Maam, here's the file" we both muttered thanks and got through the folder.

"..... Shin Tasha? "

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