13 {ice}

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The moment i hopped out of the bus my eyes desperately look for a convenient store because damn im thirsty and hungry as fuxk and i don't want to be a cannibal and eat this guy over here.

(lol i'd gladly do so)

but lucky us... there's none...

I stopped walking and glared at jungkook "IM STARVING!"

He also stopped walking and returned the glare i am giving "Will you stop whining?"

i scoffed at him because hello? he brought me here? and duh its not my fault this place got no stores like wtf where are we

i think he noticed that my inner bitchiness is about to explode and he wouldn't want that at this hour right?

"Okay will you calm down? we're gonna walk up the harbor. There's a lot of stores in there."

Oh. i thought it was a small province.

and yep

you read it right.



i hate beaches tho'.

We walked up a little more and yea we arrived at the harbor. There are lots of boats basically and a lot of busy people, theyre probably fishers since they are pulling some fishing nets someting.

Jungkook pulled my wrist because its kinda like a market and i'd be probably get lost here.

He points out a convenient store finally, its in an alley along with a few stores. There were lots of small seafood restos and a few apparel stores. And oh theres a grocery store too.

"My mom owns that grocery store, but since we lived in the city she made her close friend look for it" thats why this kid is ass rich

"so you used to live here?" i asked him while im grabbing a chocolate drink in a carton and a bottle of water, i also grabbed some bread.

"Nah. we go here every summer break and i my mom saw that this place is great for business so she bought a small house and build her own store"

business minded people. i bet my long hair he's gonna be like that when he grows old.

"C'mon lets go home"

He payed for it drag me somewhere. i swear if my feet could talk its already cursing jungkook to death.

He stopped in front of a small house, its really really small. But the view here is amazing, the terrace almost take over the place. There a small couch in the terrace and a small coffee table, i walked up to there placed my backpack at the wooden floor and slumped my back. Ugh. im soooo exhausted.

I stood up to check the house.

I opened the door and a bed immediately greeted me. The beds side is with a sink and a few kitchen tools and a probably a bathroom beside it. Its cramped but its warm.

Oh wait. There's only one bed.

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