At his reply you looked away from him in a state of shock and embarrassment. Unknowing to you he took this opportunity to switch Mr. Joestar's medicine for the lethal poison he bought.

Once you reached the top of the stairs and started to walk down the hallway Jonathan appeared. You smiled at the sight of your friend, but then realized the serious expression on his face, glaring at Dio.

"Jojo? What's wrong?" You questioned.

"(YN) get away from him." Jonathan grunted. 

"What? Why?" Your questions went unanswered as Jonathan forcefully removed you from your spot next to Dio and to his side. 

"Dio...what did you do with that medicine?" The two boys stared each other down. 

You couldn't fully comprehend what Jonathan meant. 'Does he think that Dio is messing with his own father's medicine?'  You questioned yourself, not wanting to speak out loud do to the heavy atmosphere surrounding the three of you.

"This is the letter your father sent seven years ago, I found it by accident. I'll read it to you." Jonathan further explained himself as he took out the said letter. "I am now struck by a disease. I know I will likely die. I don't know what illness it is, but my chest hurts, my fingers swell and I cough. Please look after my son Dio after my death." Jonathan read to Dio, your eyes widened as Jonathan read, slowly grappling the situation but not wanting your conclusion to be true.

"That's exactly the same symptoms as my father! What's the meaning of this Dio?!" Jonathan raised his voice making you flinch.

Dio looked at Jonathan for a while before replying. "What the hell are you talking about? My father's letter from seven years ago? Give me a look!" Dio went to take the letter to which Jonathan raised it up so he couldn't grab it.

"Do you always carry father his medicine?" Jonathan inquired.

"Hey what are you trying to say?" Dio casually asked.

"Answer me!" Jonathan yelled.

"Jojo maybe it's a misunderstanding?" You quietly imputed not wanting a fight to occur between the two of them, the last fight you had witnessed was all you could handle.

Dio looked from you giving you a small smile at your comment, and then back to Jonathan swiftly. "Yes that right! And he might have the same symptoms as my true father. So what?"

"I'll investigate that medicine!" Jonathan declared, taking the folded up paper on the tray that contained the medicine. Dio grabbed his arm in response. "Jojo investigating this medicine means distrusting out friendship." He paused. "Our friendship with be lost." 

You could see Jonathan's hesitation after Dio's statement. You were about to intervene until Dio continued. "Jojo return that medicine to the tray and forget those foolish thoughts of yours." 

But Jonathan didn't let go of the paper and pulled out of Dio's grasp.

"Dio swear as a gentleman on the honor of your true father Brando! Swear your innocence! If you can swear on your father, I will return the medicine to the tray and never speak of this again!" Jonathan exclaimed. 

The request seemed reasonable enough to you, but not to Dio. "I...refuse! Don't talk of him in front of me. Swear on his honor? Don't misunderstand me, a piece of filth like him has no honor!" Dio shouted. "Jojo put the medicine back and give me that letter!" Dio punched Jonathan in the face.

 You gasped at the scene wanting to get away, you've never like conflict ever since you were a little kid and saw a man get beaten to death due to a petty argument, and seeing the two suppose to be brothers fight twisted your stomach in torment. You could feel your anxiety levels raising and raced away from the scene.

When you reached your door to the usual room you stayed in you opened it and quickly slammed it shut. You leaned against the door trying to catch your breath and thoughts.

'Had Jonathan been right about Dio from the very beginning? Did you fall into the charms of the devil?'

A Midnight's Innocence: Dio Brando x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now