A Beautiful Melody [Whouffle]

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Claire watched the two men speak about her performance on the telly as she helped her mother create another vanilla souffle for achieving first place once more. It was her fifth time doing so, but she felt accomplished nonetheless.

"And there she goes, Claire Oswald, age fifteen, playing a wonderful rendition of Ave Maria by Schubert, along with Charlotte Rose, her best friend who is accompanying her with her trusty violin. I don't see why she or Charlotte even bother to go for these measly competitions, they're so talented!"

"That's because she follows in her mother's footsteps, remember Alfred? Eleanor Oswald, the retired musician?"

"I remember clearly, Emery." Alfred nodded in response, his eyes looking back to the camera, which was recording every second of their conversation, "Eleanor was an advocate in charity work, before she retired, correct?"

"Including this one. People come to see her play, to see if she's similar to her mother." Emery stated as if it were fact.

"And would you say she was, Mr. Thane?" Alfred questioned. Emery's emerald eyes glimmered with amusement as he adjusted the papers on the table.

"Absolutely." Claire smiled at Emery's comment and looked back towards her mum, who was watching her with content written all over her face.

"Mum!" She said, feeling her cheeks grow how. Her mum smiled.

"Sorry, Claire, you just looked so happy. You know how uncle Emery is."

"Just because he's my uncle doesn't mean I can't revel in the fact that he complimented me!" Claire responded and her mother's smile only widened as she opened the oven and placed the ramekin inside. Claire watched as her mother closed the oven door and removed her oven mitts.

"Of course, darling. You're an amazing musician. You'll make a difference."

"I'll be just like you." Claire responded and her mum enveloped her in a hug. Her mum smelled like vanilla extract and souffle mix, the two things Clara loved the most. Eleanor felt like home.

"Of course, Claire, just like me."


The uncanny resemblance that Eleanor had of Ellie made Clara uncomfortable. Clara knew her echo probably had similar interests as almost all her echos seem to have, but seeing a version of Ellie shocked Clara as it was. Clara shook her head, standing straight once her short legs decided to work properly. She walked out the hall, hearing silence besides the light hum of the TARDIS. Though she had no idea where to go, the TARDIS seemed to be directing her, despite their strange hatred. Perhaps since Clara did save the Doctor, her mystery was solved to the TARDIS.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked to the machine, which whirred in response. Clara frowned in annoyance. "I wish I could understand what you're telling me. The Doctor can understand you just fine, it's not really fair." Clara fiddled with the hem of her shirt, walking around the never ending hallway. The machine hummed. "I'm just going to assume you didn't say anything offensive and just continue on to wherever it is we're going."

After what felt like ages to Clara, she finally found a door. She prayed it wasn't something particularly distasteful as she opened the door. To her surprise, she found a large band room, filled with different instruments, some that she didn't even recognize. It was as if the TARDIS knew what was on her mind. But those didn't matter to Clara, the only instrument she was particularly interested in lay in the middle, waiting for her.

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