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Corey's POV

It's been 4 days since I moved in to the club house.  I don't go to school no more after getting kick out yesterday.  Some boy slapped my ass and I slammed his face into a locker.  I got expelled while he got suspended. Anyways today was some event thing Gemma was doing and I had to go.  Happy has been busy with club business so he hasn't been able to work on the surprise tattoo so he calls it. Anyways  I got a shower and got dressed. 

I went to the main room and Happy was the only one there

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I went to the main room and Happy was the only one there. He looked up and saw me. 

"What's on your neck?" He grunted and I sighed. 

"Nothing." I grunted and went to the kitchen. 

"Does Clay know?" He asked and I looked at him and shrugged. 

"The others do.  Bouncing from home to home from the age of 3 and a half you meet a lot of abusive parents.  Verbal,  physical,  sexual.  Any kind of abuse there is." I mutter and filled his coffee cup and made me a cup.  Lots of sugar and creamer.

"Sexual?" He growled and I nodded. 

"Do they know about that?" He asked softly and I shook my head. 

"Gemma,  Jax,  Piney and Opie didn't really start to see me til my 6th birthday.  They wrote and called and all that Jazz." I said and we went out to the main room and sat down.

Happy's POV

Corey had fallen asleep as we sat on the couch.  The guys walked in and saw us.  She had snuggled into me.

"Holy shit." Opie said in shock.  Tig,  Bobby,  Jax, Piney and Chibs were all in shock. 

"She's.  She's never been that close to any man since we've known her." Piney said and I looked at Corey.  Her breathing got heavy and we all froze.  I didn't even move.  She stirred and whimpered. 

"Happy gently wake her.  She might swing." Clay said and I looked at her.  Before I could even wake her she jolted upward panting. 

"Corey. " Jax said and put she ignored him as she touch the side of her neck with the burns on them. 

"Core?" I said and she turned to me with tears in her eyes. She didn't let them fall.  I pulled her to me and she sighed.  I looked at the others and they looked shocked as she wrapped her tiny arms around my torso.

"You still want to go to the charity event?" Jax asked and she nodded. 

"Gemma will have my head if I don't.  Plus I want to see the kids." She muttered and he nodded.  She pulled away and got up. 

"Let's go.  We're already late." She muttered and we all nodded. 

"Your riding with me,  Core." I said and she nodded. 

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