The Story of the Philippines

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(Germany POV)
It was hot out, super hot out, but we were currently safe within the confines of the cool air conditioned conference room. It had three cement walls and a one sided glass window as the fourth wall. Inside of it was a table with four seats and beside the table was a blackboard. Today we were meeting with a, hopefully, new ally in the new powerful country that has been growing since it's independence.

"What's taking her so long," I said impatiently, wanting to meet and get this over with. None of us had eaten for hours, we were famished, but Philippines hadn't arrived yet, we had been sitting here for an hour (though we were actually 30 minutes early) and I was getting impatient.

"D-d-dont say that in front of her," Japan said, his usual composure showing of both intense regret and fear. "Why?" I asked and the duo looked at me, fear growing in their eyes. "She and Romano are the scariest people in the world," Italy said while wimpering, he seemed to be moving towards me slightly. The thought of anyone being as agressive as Italy's brother scared me to no end. I mentally braced myself for what could happen, it wasn't enough.

A few minutes later, we felt the ground rumble and heard yelling from the hall, the room was soundproofed. Without warning the door swung open, cracking part of the glass window. On the other side, was a beautiful Filipino women, with such intense anger that her face seemed to be glowing red.

"How dare you!" She yelled while pointing at all of us. She slammed the door, making all of us gulp. I thought Filipinos were nice and cheery, not what I expected.

She grabbed a seat and started talking. "I am extremely mad at the three of you, starting with..." she looked at me and her words cut for a split second and her eye widened, but she resumed her speech right after, "you," she pointed at me. Japan and Italy were giving me sympathetic looks, this was going to be long.

"How dare you attack others for such an idiotic cause," she had been speaking for what felt like eternity (10 minutes) she kept scolding us and was yelling. Italy was now extremely close to me and was gripping at me. Without noticing I reflexively grabbed back. Then, after that last line, she let out a breath. "That's all," she said, it felt like an elephant just got off of my shoulders and I was as light as a butterfly.

"You must be hungry, here," she mumbled, so quietly that I was barely able to hear her. "What?" That one word that fell from Italy's mouth had rekindled the fire. "Just take these!" She yelled, throwing three silver colored projectiles at us. Quickly I pushed Italy out of the way and Japan was able to dodge them too. Curiously we looked over to what she had thrown, they were three metal boxes.

Quickly we pulled them out of the wall. Funnily, none of them were dented in the slightest making me wonder if the walls were just soft. But, one look at the lady who had just thrown them made me scrap that hypothesis. We slowly opened the box, oddly enough, there was food inside.

-Hours Earlier-
(Philippines POV)
"Why are you here!" I yelled at the traitor who my siblings still addresed as brother. Quickly, my two sibling came up to me and chanted in synchrony, "Ate, it wasn't his fault, don't hurt him," they said, it sickened me to think that they already forgave the bastard. He had taken us under his wing, we were family, but when we were attacked, he didn't do anything. "Don't be naive!" I yelled at them, to which they just wimpered but then came at me again.

-30 minutes later-
After Kuya Spain apologized and my siblings made me accept I was cooled down a bit and sitting at the table watching the three of them cook. I hated it, I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate it. Those three had so much alike. My siblings looked more like him than me, it isn't fair. That's not even the worse part. Once we were free from Kuya Spain, America took us in, we weren't looking for help (they were, she's just to proud to admit it).

"Yay, we're done!" My little brother said, breaking my chain of thought. I watched as the three quickly put food into three different containers and put sticky notes on them. "These are for the countries your meeting," my little sister said enthusiastically. I glared at them, they were just our enemies, they just forgave them and moved on. What's even worse is that they're being nice to them.

"Why should we be nice to them, they attacked us!" I yelled, still unsure on how it was so easy for them to forgive and forget. They did this for everyone, Spain, our no good brother who didn't even think to help us. Our other brothers who have never helped us. And all those other countries who only came to see us just to colonialize us. I was sick of it, but, those two should be more sick of it, they had been servants to others much longer than me.

"It's a meeting to strengthen economic ties with other countries right? We should be hospitable to them," My little brother said, like the smart-ass he is. "Fine, what did you make," their eyes lit up, damn it, it's another thing they have in common.

"This is Japanese curry, for Japan," Kuya Spain said, while playing with my brother's hair. His hair was styled just like "their hero's" he was just another one of his assets. "This is some Papardelle Pasta for Italy," My naive brother said. "And this is some Longaniza for Germany," my naive sister said, wrapping up my brother's little speech.

My siblings were in front of the table and behind them was Kuya Spain, he had his arms around them. Just looking at it aggravated me, did he really love them?

"Hey, you should get going, your meeting is soon," Kuya Spain said, I ignored him. "Ate, your meeting is soon, go," my siblings said. To that I stood up and walked away. It was about a few hours until I got there. I was going to make them wait.

-Hours Later-
(Germany POV)
I looked at the food suspiciously, though it was rude, would you eat food that the devil offered you? I looked over to the other two and they did the same, that was until she spoke again. "You'd better be thankful to my siblings, they made all of this for you," she said with anger clear in her tone. The other two looked relieved and started eating.

"Should you really eat that," I whispered into Italy's ear suspiciously. "Yeah, her siblings make the best food," he said and then happily dug in, Japan doing the same. I hardly thought that Singapore, Malaysia, or Indonesia could possibly make food from this variety of cultures, but who was I to question.

I cautiously dug in, but, with the first bite, I couldn't stop eating. I was eating this sausage-like thing that was sweet for some odd reason, but it was delicious. I ended up eating it all quickly.

After that we continued on with our meeting. After eating the she-demon seemed a bit less evil and only made quiet side remarks. This seemed like a good beginning of a relationship to a strong country. Little did I know, I wouldn't see her in a while.

[In the year 1949, after WWII most of the Philippines had already forgiven the Axis Powers and so they created diplomatic ties to them. However, some of the Philippines (the more conservative parts) still held a grudge against the Axis Powers. During the time however, the Philippines had not yet received economic turmoil and was a rising economy that was deemed as a powerful nation overall.]

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