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Happy's POV

The guys and I went to a house after Clay got a call from someone. The house was in Bakersfield. It was 3 blocks away from my moms house. Jax saw a bike in the drive way.

"She's home. You sure she called Clay?" Jax asked and he nodded.

"She said she was in trouble." Clay said worried and Jax nodded. The front door cracked and we saw a teenage girl.

"Corey." Clay said and she opened it wider and we saw she had blood on her. We went inside and saw a man unconscious.

"He ain't dead. He broke into the house. My foster dad will be home in an hour. Can you hid him or whatever?" She granted and Jax looked at her.

"Go clean your self up darling." He said and she nodded going to the back. We got the guy taken care of and cleaned up everything. The girl came back and she was in sweats and long sleeve shirt.

"Corey who was he?" Clay asked and she fiddled with her fingers. Clay went over to her and she stepped back.

"Joe is gonna be home soon. This is for the help." She said handing an envelope and he opened it.

"Corey you don't have to pay us." Jax said making most of the others get a shock look. I can tell she means something to them.

"Just take it and go please. If Joe sees you here than he'll get angry." She grumbled and Clay gave the enveople to Bobby.

"Gemma misses you." Clay said softly and she looked at him.

"Please go. I'll call if I need you again." She grumbled and he nodded.

"Can we have a hug this time?" Jax asked softly and she shook her head. He kissed her head even when she stiffened when he got close to her. We left and when we got to the club house Gemma asked how the girl was. Jax and Clay went to the office. Opie looked upset.

"Opie you good man?" Bobby asked and he said no.

"You know Corey is strong." Tig said to him and he nodded.

"She's still just a kid and she shouldn't have live with that man." Opie said as Clay and Jax came in and said church. Lowen came in as we all went into the chapel.

Corey's POV

I made dinner and left a plate in the microwave for Joe. I ate my dinner fastly and cleaned up the kitchen. Joe came in and he smiled.

"Beer or scotch?" I asked and he said Pepsi. I nodded and got a Pepsi and took it to him.

"I'll heat up your food. I made fried chicken." I said and he nodded. I went to the kitchen and heated his food up. I took it out to him.

"How was work?" I asked and huffed.

"Boring, my men can't fix cares like you can." He said smiling and I giggled making him laugh. Joe was a decent man he rarely hit me and he didn't rape me. He's only hit mmeone time but he begged for my forgiveness.

"How was your day darling?" He asked and I sighed.

"I got my school work done. Work on my bike. I think I need a new engine. Cleaned the house and made dinner." I lied and he nodded.

"Well tomorrow you can come into the garage and help me out. We are gonna be short handed. Tim is going under the needle and Frank's wife is in labor." He said and I nodded. He finished eating and I took his plate. I washed his dishes and put them away.

Week later.

It was a Friday and it was raining. I love the rain it reminds me of when my momma was alive and how we would stay up late and watch the storm. Joe was at work. I had cleaned the whole house since he had a little get together the night before. He told his friends I was off limits but that didn't stop Ryan from hitting me. I have a black eye and a busted lip. Joe stomped his ass into the ground. I jumped when I heard a knock on the front door. I looked at the time to see it was 5 in the after noon. I went to the door and opened it. There stood an officer and my case worker.

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