Part 16

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I wake up in my bed, with fresh clothes and my gun. My boots were by the side of the dresser so if I needed to I could put them on. I get up and get dressed in a grey T-shirt and dark blue ripped jeans. I slip on my long Grey boots and grab my pistol and place it in my belt. I put my hair up int two braids and walk downstairs to find Evan,Rick,Daryl,Glenn, and Mich talking. "Hey Skye." Rick looks up from the map and walks over to me giving me a hug as soon as he gets close. "What's going on here?" I say furrowing my eyebrows and start to play with my ring. "We're planning on expanding so that we have more space to build stuff like barns and other houses for survivors and other people if they need it." Glenn says smiling. I notice Evan with his head down playing with his hands and cracking his knuckles. I hear footsteps outside so I look over to see Tara coming up to the door. I open it and get a hug from a very concerned Tara. "Denise wants to see you. As well as Maggie and your mother." Tara says looking at the cuts on my collarbone and face. "Why?" I ask trying to see what she wanted me for. "They wanna take a look at the cuts on your face and collarbone. I think they're infected." she says putting her finger on my face. I pull back in pain, and hiss through my teeth. I turn around to see Glenn and Daryl walking up to me, looking at my foamy cuts. "take her there NOW." Daryl demands as Glenn takes my arm and leads me to the infirmary. I touch my cuts and whimper wondering how I didn't feel it earlier. "How did I not know? And how didn't you see it?" I ask concerned as to how I didn't know. "You were kinda standing by the staircase and turned so we couldn't have seen it unless someone stood in front of you. I'm glad Tara noticed." he says smiling while we enter the infirmary. "Hey Sk-" my mom starts but runs over noticing the nasty gash on my chest and face. Denise takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom where the First-aid kit is. She takes peroxide and pours a little on my face, causing me to scream but I quickly cover my mouth with my hand. "Its okay. This is going to help you and get any bacteria out of your cuts." she says with a reassuring smile. "O-Okay." I say through gritted teeth. I clench my jaw at the burning hot feeling on my chest. It quickly goes away though and she gives me a bandaid. "There you go Skye. It want that hard was it?" she says jokingly, trying to make me feel better. I walk out of the bathroom to see everyone sitting on the stairs talking about something, until my mom comes and asks if I'm okay. I nod my head and walk out of the infirmary to find Rick holding my machete in his hand tilting his head as I walk forward. "Here. I know those cuts hurt, but we need all of the extra help we could get. Were going to start expanding today so go get a couple others." he says to me as he jogs off towards Glenn and Daryl. "I haven't seen Judith in a while, I should probably go find her" I mumble as I start off to Ricks house. I reach the door and knock, no one comes at first. I knock a second time, This time Carl answering. He has Judith in his arms and a still face. "Hey.... I just came to say hi to Judy." I say smiling, but he just hands her over and closes the door. I go to Maggie,Carol,Morgan, and Tara, to tell them to go meet Rick by the gates. They all run off into the other direction as me, because I went to visit my sister. I walk up to her grave, and place a kiss on my pointer and middle finger putting them on her grave. "Hey Rose. Are you having fun up there? I bet its Beautiful in h-heaven." I try saying but start crying. Judy started to talk, so when she saw me crying she asked if I was okay. "Ar-are ywou okway?" she struggled to say which made me smile and stand up to hug her. I look at Abe's, Aaron's,Rose's and Sasha's grave grabbing little flowers and placing them on the stones. I tear up and walk away, wiping my face and biting my cheek hard enough until I felt blood. I was angry at the world for taking them from me. From us. I need to stay strong for them. I thought while spitting blood from my mouth. I walk over to Rick spitting blood all the way there. "Denise!" Rick yells. "She's spittin blood!" Daryl yells after Rick, making people run over to me and Judy. "Guys im fine!" I snap at everyone trying to get close. I see people back away in fear and some just gave me nasty looks. I look over at Evan standing in the doorway with a blank expression but also a worried one. I didn't know what was happening with him lately but he just seemed so out of it. Something must of happened while I was out because he wouldn't be acting like this if nothing did happen. "Hey its okay Judy." I say sweetly, giving her a kiss on the forehead while she shifts in my arms. I slowly walk over to Rick and Glenn, every eye on me, and hand her over before walking to the gates. I load my pistol and garb my machete, walking out of the gates while clenching my jaw knowing that people hated me in Alexandria. I kept to myself quite a bit lately and helped as much as I can without getting hurt or worse, Not saying ANYTHING at all. I mean NONE at all. Evan became a little distant, which I was a little worried about, we got the wall done and we started building new houses and a barn for Bailey, Buttons and other horses we find. "I haven't taken Dixon out in a while, I probably should go get him." I say to myself as I walk over to my house. I open my door and walk upstairs to find Dixon sprawled out on my bed with his tongue out, getting up immediately after I enter the room. "Hey cutie!" I call to my pup as he jumps off of my bed and sprints over to me by the doorway. "Come on." I smile as I tug his collar a little bit. We both walk outside and over to the barn where Carol and Maggie are standing grooming the horses. "Hey Skye. What are you doing over here?" Carol asks nicely, causing me to smile and answer with the same sweetness. "Oh I just came over to check on you guys. We and Dixon over here are gonna go make sure the perimeter is safe." I say, walking towards the gate with Dixon trotting behind. I start humming the Blackbird song while I walk out of the gates Dixon following close behind. We go out a little far but find nothing, so we go back to Alexandria to find Rick with his arms crossed and with a pistol in his hand. "Where were you?" he says, making me step back in shock because hes never treated me like this. "I was out making sure no one was watching us or making sure walkers weren't out here." I say looking at him with a pointed face. "Okay, okay." he says smiling putting his hands up like he was surrendering. He started walking away but I had to ask a question. "Hey uh.... Rick? What's wrong with Evan? Why is he so... Idk hes acting different....?" I say tilting my head like a lost puppy. "You should talk to him." Rick says walking away to Michonne and Judy, while I walk to my moms house knowing that Evan might be there. I walk in and see him talking with my mom, holding a small maroon box in his hand. "Boo!" I scream as I walk up behind my mom scaring the crap out of them. "Hey Honey!" my mom says jumping back almost hitting me by accident. "Hey babe!" I say smiling at Evan while he is blushing really bad. I walk over and hug him, asking where hes been. "I've been out on runs trying to find the perfect gift for my Fiancée." he says kissing me and surprising me at the same time. He covers my eyes and walks outside, when I hear giggling and whispering. My eyes are uncovered and hes there in front of me on one knee, with a beautiful diamond ring in a maroon box, causing me to cry and hug him. "Yes. Ill marry you!" I smile while he puts the ring on my finger and I kiss him in front of the Huge crowd of people which I realized were now there. Its been about 3 days since he proposed and we've done a LOT. We got more people, more animals, less walkers, barely any enemies, and continued building more things. I was so happy that me and Evan were together. And guess what? Im gonna have a little Skye! Well that probably won't be her name but you get the idea.

Long time skip because why not 😐 (4 years later)

"Grace! Judy! Come here girls!" I yell to Grace and Judy, them running straight towards me. "Judith daddy wants you to go home and help clean up your toys." I say to Judith, asking her to go home and help Rick clean up her room. "As for you little Gracie, Daddy went to go get some toys for you and food for us." I say to my little Grace, bouncing her up and down on my knee. "Hey Girls." Evan says with a big smile on his face as he walks through the front door, causing Grace to run over and hug his leg. "Hi daddy!" I hear her say making my heart melt. I get up and go kiss him and take the toys, Walking upstairs and opening the bag when I find a camera that works. I bolt downstairs and question Evan, getting only a smile in return. "Its to take our family photos." he says placing a hand on my face, and grabbing the camera. "Lets go take the photos." I say excitedly. I pick up Grace in my arms and place her on my hip. We walk to everyone's house, telling them that were going to take photos and walk to the rose garden. We first take a picture as a community and after me and Evan and Grace take one together. He has his arm around me, I have Grace on my hip and she's smiling, and Im kissing Evan on the cheek.

Whelp, we've been through quite a long journey in this story, going from alone and stupid, to a strong woman with a husband and a child. Even though its the zombie apocalypse, Doesn't mean you can't have a life. Thank you all for reading this story! I really appreciate your support and kindness, but also for reading this and liking it. Love ya 😘


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