Part 5

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It is fun being a Constable, because I get to help others but mostly to see my ship. (RICHONNE ❤) Rick and I started getting closer, like he was my dad. He let me hold Judith all the time and I had so much fun with her. I was out on a run with Rick and Daryl when we came across a man who calls himself "Jesus." I snort and giggle at the thought. But then the unexplainable happens. He snatched the keys and drove away! "That Little Piece of S-" before I could finish I was grabbed by the wrist and told to stop. Guess who it was?
Just guess.

Have you guessed yet?

Yea feel my sarcassem? Its Daryl treating me like a can't say what I want. "Let go" I whined. "Mhmm" He grunts. "Whatever" And I start running with Daryl and Rick towards the car. We find it but no one inside. The man jumps out at me, and He banged my head on the truck by accident. Daryl shook me awake inside Alexandria. "Awake finally Mrs.Lilly?" Daryl says smirking, "No go away" I grunt at him so he gets a taste of his own medicine. He scoops me off the bed and goes downstairs. He throws me into the pond outside. I was so mad I had to punch something. I ran up to him and slapped him. I then went over to the tree and punched it. He chuckled as he saw my knuckles begin to bleed. "What's so funny huh?" I get up into his face so mad then I ever was before. He pushed me back and I blew up out of frustration and walked away.

Sorry That this was a short chapter kind of.... But hope you're enjoying so far! ❤😘😍😇

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