"Please just eat a little." He pleaded looking into her eyes. She sighed, but slowly and shakily she scooped some of the food into the spoon and brought it to her mouth. Taking a breath she gingerly ate the food on the spoon. She gagged slightly and placed the bowl onto the floor. 

"I'm sorry Yoon. I can't." She whispered looking away from him. His face contorted in worry, reaching over he grabbed her hands, gasping at how hot they were. 

"Tsu....don't tell me...you still have that fever...?" He asked her hesitantly, she only avoided his gaze, worrying him further. Gently he began pushing her down (Get your heads out of the gutter) so she lay on her back. Once her back touched the ground she gasped and winced, sitting back up again. 

"Tsu! You can't keep these things from me! How am I supposed to help you, if you don't tell me?!" Yoon shouted turning to face her fully. 

"You were busy so-" Tsukiko had started but was cut off as Yoon started shouting at her again.

"That's no excuse! Anything could've happened to you!" His voice held so much worry, this made Tsukiko feel terrible. She hadn't meant to worry him so much. 

'I'm such a burden to them.' She thought looking down at her hands that rested in her lap. Yoon sighed, calming himself down and looking at her fondly. 

"I'm sorry for shouting at you Tsu. But please tell me when something like this happens. I don't like seeing you in so much discomfort." Tsukiko just nodded her head in reply, still looking down at the ground. 

"Sorry Yoon..." She apologised solemnly. Yoon shook his head and smiled down at the girl.

"Don't apologise Tsu. It's okay." He lifted her head gently by placing his hand under her chin. 

"I know you don't feel it or think it. But you are important." He smiled brightly, she blushed, her face turning the colour of a tomato. She only nodded her head, too flustered to say anything. Chuckling Yoon reached over to his bag.

"Now let's get you fixed up."

~Le time skip~

Tsukiko lay on her front as not to aggravate the wound she had opened on her back. Everyone was doing their own thing, though Yoon and Yona sat together chatting away and laughing. Tsukiko felt something bubbling up in her chest, it hurt watching the 2 act so close. Yoon looked over at the young Princess and smile, causing her to blush and hide her face in her arms. The self proclaimed genius stared at the girl in amusement and confusion. 

Tsukiko peaked out of her arms to see Yoon blushing as he spoke to her older sister. 

'You're sister is far better than you.'

'You can never be like her.'

'Why did you think you were ever important to him?'

'He cares about Yona more.'

'Everyone cares about Yona more.'

'You're nothing but a shadow.'

'I know already. Please stop.' Tsukiko cried placing her head in her arms again. She heard footsteps fading but payed it no mind as she was currently dealing with her own problems. 

'I thought I was more important than her to someone. I guess I was wrong. No one will ever see me more than they see Yona-nee...' She began to cry more.

'I want to believe you, Yoon....but it's hard when so many things tell me otherwise...' Her chest got heavy as she quietly sobbed into her arms. Suddenly there was a wait on her head, making her stiffen. 

Moon Child (Book 1) ~Yoon x OC~Where stories live. Discover now