Chapter 77

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*Mia's point of view*
       I wake up in Zach's arms. "Wake up", I say squishing his cheeks. Zach opens his eyes and looks down at me. "No", He mumbles. "Please", I beg. "Can we go get breakfast?", Zach asks. "I have to do online school first", I sigh. "Me too", Zach groans. "We finish online school and then we can do whatever you want", I suggest. "The beach sounds nice today", Zach says. I agree with him. Zach doesn't let me go though.
       He grabs my face and presses his lips on to mine. My stomach become a dance party for butterflies. Our lips move in perfect sync making my heart flutter. Zach deepens the kiss. Sadly it had to be interrupted. Jack swings the door open. "Oh jeez it's getting frisky in here!", Jack yells and walks away. I blush. "Why does that always happen?", I mumble. Zach laughs. He also has a blush spreading on his cheeks.
       He let's me go. We go downstairs in our pajamas and sit at the table. We sit across from each other on our laptops with some books sprawled on the table. I'm quick to get to work. The faster I finish it means the faster Zach and I can get food and go to the beach. Zach and I snack on Oreos while we do our work. I finish before him and sit on the couch next to Jack. "What's up?", Jack asks putting one arm around me. "I'm waiting for Zach to finish school work", I explain.
       "Help me!", Daniel screeches running into the room clumsily. "Who died?!", I exclaim. "I don't know what to wear!", Daniel exclaims in agony. "I'll help", I laugh. I follow Daniel upstairs and into his room. "It looks like my room when Christina and Erika come over to get ready", I comment. "I'm taking her for dinner and then the aquarium because she likes baby penguins", Daniel informs. "Romantic", I mumble searching for jeans to go with the shirt. I find some and pair it off with white Vans. "Ta da!", I reveal. "Thanks Mia", Daniel thanks kissing me on the forehead. "Go change", I usher. I leave his room after shoving him in the bathroom and go back downstairs.
       "I'm done!", Zach yells excitedly. If I didn't like learning I'd probably be as excited as him to be done with school work. I go upstairs to his room and look through all the stuff I've left in his room. I find a swim suit and clothes to go over it. "Let's go!", I rush. "Calm down", Zach chuckles. "I can't stand to be here any longer. I want In'N'Out", I say. "Me too", Zach agrees. "Then hurry up!"
       "Honey I'm home!", Erika yells. I run downstairs tripping clumsily and landing face first on the ground. "Yes, the floor looked extremely lonely so don't question me", I mumble. Erika laughs and pulls me up. "Let's do something", Erika suggests. "She's going on a date", Corbyn infroms. "With who?", Erika gasps, acting as if the question didn't have an obvious answer. "Me, duh", Zach answers. "What happened to Peter Pan?", Erika questions.
       "I want to come", Erika whines. "Me too", Corbyn joins in. "I'll start the car!", Jack exclaims going upstairs. "I'm pretty sure they want to be alone but I'm bored", Jonah says following Jack up the stairs. The boys and Erika grab what they need and then leave the house. I yell a quick good luck to Daniel. He doesn't really need to but I don't want them to get kidnapped or to spill ketchup on himself.  Zach groans and grabs my hand leading me out the house. I don't think he wants the boys and Erika to tag along. I get in the back with Zach and Corbyn. I lay my head on Zach's shoulder and play on my phone. Taking pictures of Zach and selfies with Corbyn. A car ride isn't complete if Corbyn isn't being weird. "I don't even know where I'm driving to", Jack informs. I facepalm. "In'N'Out", Zach sighs.
Zach: I wanted this to be a date
Mia: Why are we whispering?
       "So what type of date is this now?", Jack asks. "A triple date", I answer. "Jonah and I, Erika and Jack and then Zia", Corbyn explains. "You're a very smart Bean", I compliment. "So I've been told", He says, putting on his little kid glasses that make him look like he comes from 2048.
       "Honey where's my super suit?", Zach asks. "I don't know possibly the laundry", I answer with a goofy grin. "Aw! What comes next? A baby?", Erika asks wiggling her eyebrows. "Next comes marriage", Jonah corrects. "And then like four babies with sticky hands", Jack adds. "Seems right", I agree. "True", Zach agrees. "So Mia let me tell you how babies are made", Corbyn starts. "No! I already know! You hold hands for ten seconds and then wait nine months. You go to Walmart and pick up your baby", I explain. Zach chuckles and pulls me closer to his chest. Jonah bursts out laughing. "She's so innocent I love it", Jack laughs.
       "Do you think Zach has a big-" I cut Corbyn off "a big love for Jesus Christ and the bible! Amen!" I could feel my face heating up. I already know I'm super red. "She's blushing", Erika gasps. "Do you think they've?" "God no!", I answer immediately. "Zach must gross you out a lot if you answer that fast", Jack jokes. "I wish Daniel was here to fidget spin you to church", I sigh. "I'm not gross!", Zach defends himself. "Can we just get food?", I ask. "And pretend like this never happened? Yes", Jonah agrees. Jack drives to In-N-Out. I get out as quickly as possible. We order our food. It made me a lot happier to know my food was being made. When we get our food we all sit outside.
       "I don't want summer to be over", Corbyn complains. "But no one will judge me for listening to Christmas music!", I exclaim. Zach shoves a fry into my mouth catching me by suprise. Thankfully I didn't have a slow reaction and choke. "Doesn't Christmas music get annoying?", Jack asks. "Don't get her started!", Zach yells covering my mouth. I glare at him. "I don't understand how you fan hate on Christmas music", I complain but it comes out muffled. I try to remove Zach's hand from my mouth. When I finally do he's feeding me more fries. "If this is your attempt to keep me quiet it's working", I say before he shoves more food into my mouth.
       We finish our food and leave for the beach. Zach decides to drive even after our many complains about his driving. He's not exactly the best driver there is. On the way to the beach it was usually not as loud. Zach was humming something and I was listening. Erika and Corbyn were whispering and Jonah and Jack were on their phones. "Daniel said he's about to pick Christina up", Jack informs. "Ask what flowers he got her", I say. "He got her roses." "Aw Daniel is romantic", I coo. "But I win, right?", Zach asks. "Obviously", I answer with a grin. "Gross", Jonah and Erika mumble in unison. "We're meant to be married!", Jonah jokes. "Let me just crawl into the back with my lover", Erika says. Jack pulls her back down before she can swing her leg over the seat. "Mine", Jack growls. "We aren't dogs so don't growl!", Erika scolds hitting him upside the head. I laugh at Jack's reaction. Finally we arrive to the beach.
        "Piggy back ride", I demand. Zach gets down for me to climb on to his back. Zach runs to the ocean with me on his back. I giggle as he runs as fast he can. He sets me down at a nice spot. We all lay our towels down. I take my clothes off to reveal my swimsuit. "Want to build a sand castle?", Corbyn asks. "Do we breathe?" "Uh probably", Corbyn answers. "Then I probably want to build a sand castle." "I want to swim first", Erika says. "I want to swim too", Jack agrees. "Fine we swim then build an empire", I decide.
       "I'll race you into the water", Zach challanges. "Are you going to let me win because I'm your girlfriend?", I question. "Go!", Zach yells. Zach runs towards the water. I think he forgot something though. Ocean water is extremely cold. I watch him gasp as a huge wave hits him. I laugh at his suprised look. "The water is cold!", I remind. "You could have told me earlier!", Zach yells back. Our group laughs as an annoyed Zach walks our way. When he comes closer I see the mischievous look on his face. He's going to throw me in the water. I've heard enough cliché things to know what happens next.
       "Protect me!", I scream before running off. Erika does exactly as I say and attacks him. "She protect, she attack but most importantly she breaks Zach's back", Jack laughs. "No kidding", Zach mumbles pushing Erika off. "Don't disrespect my twin queen like that ever again or it'll be worse!", Erika threatens.
        I laugh at how great of a best friend she is and jump on her. We topple over and she hits the sand. "Sand doesn't taste good", She infroms. I laugh uncontrollably with her. "Can we swim now?", Corbyn asks. Jack pushes me off Erika and helps her up. "Rude!", I shout. Jack grabs my hand and pulls me up. "I could never forget about my best friend", He assures.
       "Let's go to the water", I say. We all run to the ocean. The water is cold like it always is. I've gotten more use to it though. I run right towards the wave with Zach. I splash Zach starting a war between us. It's definitely not a war that's all giggles although I was giggling because I kept splashing water at Zach's face.
       He throws water once more before throwing me over his shoulder. "Rude Mia", Zach scolds. "Is this the part where you throw me over the water?", I ask. I prepare myself for Zach to throw me in. He doesn't answer and keeps walking. He goes back to the sand still carrying me. "What's going on?", I ask. He puts me down. I look around and then at a puppy. "Hi, can my girlfriend pet your dog?", Zach asks. "Go ahead", The lady smiles. I smile back and pet the chocolate colored puppy. "So cute!", I gush. "He likes you", The lady comments. I decide to stop being annoying and leave the dog alone. "Thank you", I say with a thankful smile. The lady returns the smile. "Thanks Zach", I say pressing a kiss on his cheek. He grins and puts one arm around me. We walk over to the group and a little boy.
        "No! Your castle sucks!", The little boy argues. "Go choke on your Cheerios!", Erika yells defending the castle I assume is hers. Jack holds her back before she hurts the little boy. "Your castle sucks!", Corbyn argues. The little boy scoffs and grabs his bucket. He picks it up and throws it at Corbyn. Zach holds me back knowing I was ready to defend my best friend. "I am Sir Corbean, who do you think you are?!", Corbyn yells pointing at the little boy angrily. The little boy picks up the bucket and puts sand in it. "Move Corbyn!", I yell. Too late. The little boy had thrown the bucket of sand at him. Corbyn glares at the little boy. "My Beans will come for you!", Corbyn threatens. The little boy stick his tounge out and marches away. I grab the beach ball and throw it at his head. "Run before he cries!", Erika yells.

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