Chapter 5: Two Cows & Pudding Arse

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"Mum, Harry said we can get breakfast at the pool!" Jamie yells, "at the pool! Breakfast at the pool!" he repeats and I'm not sure if he's going to cry or pee his pants in excitement.

"Heard you the first time chicky," I reply, "exciting I know!" I smile at him.

And as my eyes drift back up to Harry's, the smile on his face makes me want to slap it off.

In a good way.

Smug bastard.

"I've got everything we need love," he smiles innocently at me, holding up a bag of his own before offering me his free hand, "shall we?"

I take the proffered hand and follow him out the door, locking it behind us before we head on down to the pool.


Surprisingly, it's not overly crowded here, which I'm also grateful for as it means we can possibly have a bit of time together as a family before people discover we're here.


The realisation hits me like a ton of bricks.

What on earth was I just thinking?

This attachment...

Harry and my family.


I consider Harry is my family.

I suddenly feel rather sick.

This can't end well.

I look at Harry who's just staring at me with confusion and I realise I've stopped walking.

"Uh...where should we sit?" I ask him, hoping he'll just ignore my sudden brain failure episode.

He points to an area in the corner near the pool, which is quite good as it's right near it if we decide to just sit and chat as we supervise the kids.

"Perfect, great," I reply quickly and walk on over.

Okay maybe I'm powerwalking.


Sign me up for the Olympics.

I throw my towel on a chair and start gathering an extra one from nearby so we've all got our own, getting the kids to throw their bags on one each so nobody takes one.

No sooner have they done that then the boys are off and cannonballing into the pool.

"Are you coming in Harry?" Chloe asks in a quiet voice.

"I will in a second," he says, "I might go and chase up a menu so we can order something to eat for breakfast, how does that sound?"

"Yes!" she squeals in delight.

"Why don't you go and test the temperature down on the steps hey?" he suggests kindly before smoothing her hair back from her face.

"Okay Harry," she replies and skips off to the pool steps.

Then he clears his throat.

I keep busying myself though there's really nothing for me to do but I don't want to turn around just yet so I just pretend to look through my bag for something even though I don't really need anything and maybe he'll just-

"Beth?" he says.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

"Yes Harry," I finally relent and turn around to face him.

"Are you okay?" he asks with some concern.

"Of course, why do you ask?" I blurt out.

Why did you say that you bloody idiot?

Night Changes | Unexpected Series Book TwoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin