Unfinished Business

Start from the beginning

"I have to go; he has my keys." Slipping out of Phil's cold hand, I get up only to stumble when the world around me spins. The bearded man is quick to steady me by gripping my shoulders and looks at me with worry.

"I don't think you're well enough for that. Are you sure you can manage?" It was clear he didn't want me going, but I don't think he'll stop me if I do, so I give him a reassuring smile. Yes, it's been a very exhausting day, and there's still lots to comprehend about him and the deal I agreed to, but to go there and come straight home after I grab my keys should be fine for me.

"I'll be all right. Besides, you're coming with me, aren't you?"

"If you'd like me to." With a smile, he adds, "If it becomes too much, we come straight back here, all right?" I nod my head in agreement before stepping away to go to the bathroom for a minute so that I can fix my hair and look less like a mess. I won't change my comfy outfit, but I'm not stepping foot in a place that fancy looking like a hobo. I return to the bedroom, where Mephistopheles waits, with a pair of black sneakers in my hand. I sit on the bed before slipping them on and lacing them up. "You know, you won't need your keys anymore if you're coming with me." He mentions, causing me to look up at him.

"Aren't you going to give me time to say goodbye to my friends?" I ask, my heart sinking at the thought of not being able to. Surely, he wouldn't be so heartless. I don't know long I'll be gone for, probably forever by the sounds of it. I'd like to at least say goodbye to the people I know. Phil rubs the back of his neck and sighs softly.

"Of course. I'm sure I can spare a few more days for you to finish any business you have here."

"Thank you." I tighten the knots on the laces before standing up and walking towards him. I wrap my arms around his slender frame and press my face against his chest, which caught him a bit off-guard. I hear a soft chuckle from him as I'm caught in a cold embrace, and his fingers slip through my freshly brushed, H/C locks. The hug doesn't last too long, however, and when we part, I lead the way out of the apartment before we walk side-by-side to the restaurant.

"I'm sure you've realized you'll be gone for a very long time," he states, sounding a bit sorry for that fact.

"Yeah, I figured that." I give a small frown as I stuff my hands into the pockets of my black hoodie that's covered in embroidered, red roses and thorny, green vines.

"It's only because I don't get vacations very often, which is every three decades or so. Anyone you know might not even remember you by then. It's terrible, I know." I could feel a pit forming in my stomach as I lower my head. His words didn't exactly make me feel better. Seems he was quick to catch onto this because he swiftly adds, "But, Hell really isn't as bad as you may think. True, it isn't a pleasant place for sinners, but you won't be treated like them, and it'll be much easier for me to keep you safe there."

"You don't have to make me feel better about it. I made my choice, and I'm okay with it, really. I'm just... I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything. It's a lot to take in. Besides, I didn't agree to go for the location," I claim with a light smile as I look up at him.

He smiles back at me and nods his head slightly before we return to silence. Though I tried to seem unbothered by my decision, deep down, I actually am worried. It is Hell, after all — a place purely designed for the torture of bad souls. I'm sure I'll be uncomfortable with it for awhile, but hopefully, Mephistopheles will be able to help me adjust. Eventually, we make it to Barrons and enter through the set of double doors made of a dark wood. In front of us stands a teen girl in a black and white uniform with her hair tied back in a neat, braided bun, who smiles welcomingly. The place seems busy today, looking as though every table is full, and there are even some people waiting by the entry to be seated.

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